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  • Webmaster of [Deus-Ex.Org].
  • Email: therenegademaster@deus-ex.org
  • IRC:
    • irc.gamesnet.net: #dxorg #edgenetwork #planetdeus
    • irc.starchat.net: #dxediting #deusex #n/a
    • irc.enterthegame.com: #unrealscript #unrealwiki #cshp
  • Current Projects:
    • Founder of [DXCBP] - A Deus Ex mod that adds cheat protection, bug fixing, reduce lag and extra needed features.
    • DeusAMP - Control WinAmp from inside Deus Ex.
    • IRCReporter - Server-side mod that reports to an IRC channel everything that is happening inside the server.
  • Hi Mum!

Tarquin: Hello and welcome to the Unreal Wiki. :D

EntropicLqd: Welcome to the Wiki. Nice to see someone not from the UT camp turn up.

TheRenegadeMaster: Thanks, you guys have a great place here. I've been checking it out before I deicided to join, good work you have done here, i love it :).

DJPaul: Hi TRM, long time, no code. And EntropicLqd, I wasn't from the UT camp before I turned up - I was the DX camp.

Hate to be awkward TRM, but your IRCReporter sounds EXACTLY like a mod that's already done - UTReporter (http://serverdev.beyondunreal.com/utr/) - and, yes, I know you'd need to port it to Deus Ex, but all it should need is a recompile :)

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hi, welcome to the wiki! :) :tup:

TheRenegadeMaster: Heya DJP. Ive already finished my own for deus ex, I dont have UT installed anyway to look at anything from UT :)

TheRenegadeMaster: BTW guys, let me know if you need anything deus ex related on this site, I dont mind helping out in any way possible

Tarquin: Whatever you think the DeusEx editing community would find useful. I think you're our only Deus-er at the moment.

Xhiris: (Inspector Clouseau voice) Not anymore. :)

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