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Who The Hell Is This

I am a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, working on a major in Interactive Design and Game Development (Game design for short). The program's game of choice for mapping stuff is UT2004. I've become a fan of level design, but I also like coding so I'm dedicating this summer to getting familiar with UnrealScript.

What I'm Doing

My summer project is to get even more familiar with Unreal (especially UnrealScript), so to do so, I'm going to see if I can put together a mini-mod of my own (or at least pump out a few vehicle classes of my own). Right now I'm looking at something like a space flight sim (TIE Fighter, anyone?) along with a non-flying element – but that's long term. Short term, as I said, is just a few ships (with the first and current one being a fighter).

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