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About Tychon

Hmm, about me. Well, not too much to write really when I think about it. Nothing pertinent to the site anyways. I've been lurking around UnrealWiki for a little under two years or so, this would be my first time really posting somewhere, and probably my fourth user ID by now.

I've been programming since I was about six or so, though not to say I was really programming at that age, or that I'm some sort of expert since I've been programming sicne then. Actually I should know a lot more than I do now, given the time period. Eh, so I can be a little unmotivated at times. I'd have to say my real interest lies in designing new things or new ways of doing things, as opposed to simply taking interest in implementing them. This of course leads to the problem that I've gained little solid experience in many languages due to the lack of having done countless exercises with various things. But to my benefit at least, I have a decently firm grasp on programming concepts if not concrete syntax in languages.

I can't say I've really done much of anything with UnrealScript, but all this time reading through the Wiki has given me a great interest in it, I must say. Well, I've always been interested in the Unreal engine, just never really sat down and did anything with it. Not to say I've never had an idea, quite the opposite. I just, perhaps unfortunately, have too grandiose of ideas with respect to many things and this leads to a problem. Fortunately I'm at least aware of my own limitations. With time and the help of this site, and many nights cursing my computer, I'd like to overcome these limitations.

Yeah, so I write a little dramatically. Sue me.

I'd also like to blame my lack of projects to my lack of ability with modeling programs. I'm just the sort that can't stand hideous placeholder models. I refuse to create something unless it has at least a rough but working model to display it. I will admit though, I'm quite enjoying modeling things as of late. Next I just need to learn how to make textures and skins. Now there's a challenge. If anyone reading this happens to be a skinning or texture artist, feel free to leave tips or contact information, so I may bug the hell out of you with questions.

Current Projects

Completed Projects

  • None here. None related to the Unreal engine anyways.


Tychon: So I like a tidy and organized page. Drop lines and other weighted objects in this region. Thank'ee.

Tarquin: Hi, welcome to Unreal Wiki :D

GRAF1K: I was programming at 6 too. ZZT-OOP was the language, perhaps you've heard of ZZT as it's by Epic.

Tychon: This wouldn't happen to be an ASCII graphical adventure engine with a BASIC like object based script, would it? If that's the one, then yeah, I remember it. Fun stuff. Though unfortunately, it wasn't until much later that I found out about it. That would have been the best toy ever to play with at six. Hehe.

GRAF1K: That's the one. I still have a few levels I made when I was 6. :D

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