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Hey, I'm Tynan.

I do everything that has to do with the Unreal Engine mod design. I'm best at level design. I also know modelling, uvm mapping, skinning (photosource or no), sound engineering (mixing/importing), rigging, animation, web design, and coding.

Currently, I'm putting my skills to use at a mod I'm designing called Elemental Conflict. So far I've got three fully implemented weapons including a new aiming and ammunition/encumbrance system. I've also changed the game structure to a round-based system. Also, I've added a set of special abilities that players can use to give themselves an advantage (booster rockets, temporary chemical speed enhancement, etc)

My website is at www.planetunreal.com/specularity

My email is tynan@planetunreal.com

EC Project Stuff:

-Today I fixed an infinite loop bug in the invntory linked list system. It was linking on itself.

-Damn, reloading online is becoming really hard. My frickin function calls refuse to replicate.


-Got new player models, new shotgun, new menus, bug fixes, head replacement system, new bot code,

new fire code, new weapon flash, impact and blood effects, new player hurting code, new website,

1000 posts on the forums. Progress continues.

View the EC bug list here: http://dynamic6.gamespy.com/~ec/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=98&st=0#entry706

Wormbo: Welcome to the Wiki. :)

Corran: Enjoy your stay.

MythOpus: Welcome to the wiki ~m8~ I'm the one who you won't see as much as all others :D

Tynan: Thanks guys. I've been hanging around the BU forums for a few months now, so I figured I might as well make a Wiki page too.

MythOpus: Wo! Tynan... I never knew it was YOU! Hows the mod doing?

Tynan: Quite well. Just got two new very helpful team members and I've been polishing the core game myself. All the good stuff is on my site and forums. www.planetunreal.com/ec and http://dynamic6.gamespy.com/~ec/forums/ .

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