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God Mod (i kinda like this name!...despite its blasphemous nature according to some)

ill get round to properly tidying up this page a later date, but heres a brief description:

the idea came to me a few years ago back before i started coding, its a sort of..galaxy simulator or something like that, you play the role of "the creator" your job is mostly to create and sustain a stable universe with planets and stars and that kind of stuff, you can go about and destroy things too if you want (sometimes its an important part of creation) but all actions require "god power" and certain celestial bodies or events will create an income of "god power" such creating planets, keeping planets at a good condition/temperatore/etc and avoiding chaos

i think its an interesting idea that would make a change from the typical action oriented stuff being made these days

i plan to create this as a mod for ue3, i did start a small concept a long time ago back on ut99 which demonstrated some fancy particle effects but not much else...i could upload it and stick a link here for anyone who may be interested....theres really not much to see and nothing at all to do though ;)

more info later!

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