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UnrealScript Entry Points/Controller Events

Entry Points: Engine.Controller

event MayFall()

//return true if allowed to fall - called by engine when pawn is about to fall

event AIHearSound ()

event SoakStop()

event LongFall()

// called when latent function WaitForLanding() doesn't return after 4 seconds

event bool NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange()

// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified

event bool NotifyHeadVolumeChange()

// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified

event bool NotifyLanded()

// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified

event bool NotifyHitWall()

// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified

event bool NotifyBump()

// notifications of pawn events (from C++). if return true, then pawn won't get notified

event NotifyHitMover()

event NotifyJumpApex()

event NotifyMissedJump()

event bool AllowDetourTo()

simulated event RenderOverlays()

event PrepareForMove()

event float Desireability()

event SetupSpecialPathAbilities()

// called before start of navigation network traversal to allow setup of transient navigation flags

event HearNoise()

event SeePlayer()

// called when a player (bIsPlayer==true) pawn is seen

event SeeMonster()

// called when a non-player (bIsPlayer==false) pawn is seen

event EnemyNotVisible()

event MonitoredPawnAlert()

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