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UnrealScript For Beginners

Table of Contents:


Who is This Book For?

What This Book is Not

Chapter 1 - A Running Start

Introducting UnrealScript

What is UnrealScript?

Why UnrealScript?

Setting Up for UnrealScript

The Compiler, a.k.a. UCC make

A Nurturing Environment

Project 1: Your First Program

UnrealScript Program Anatomy


[Chapter 2 - Remembering Stuff]?

[Chapter 3 - Controlling Your Programs]?

[Chapter 4 - Objected Oriented Programming]?

[Chapter 5 - The Unreal Zoo]?

[Chapter 6 - A Replication Crash Course]?

[Chapter 7 - How to Mutilate a Game]?

[Chapter 8 - It's CTF, but Not]?

[Chapter 9 - Mods and Modding]?

[Chapter 10 - Miscellany]?

[Appendix A - Installing UT2004]?

[Appendix B - Setting Up UDE v3005]?

[Appendix C - Unreal Object Heiarchy]?

[Appendix D - Source Code]?


Jimboh: Currently, there's no way to directly link to the sub-sections (that I know of) so just jump to the desired chapter and use the "Quick Navigation" menu on the top of the page to go to the subsection.

Tarquin: Hi... we already have an UnrealScript Lessons page. If you think it's not doing a good enough job, please improve it instead of trying to start from scratch. I'm sorry to generalize, but massive projects like this above almost never reach completion. Small changes, however, add up. Secondly, please use screenshots only where they really show something of value. A picture of a folder with UCC.exe in it.... not useful :)

Wormbo: It's the UnrealWiki version of the eBook for UnrealScript beginners jimboh is working on, so it's actually only a copy of his work. (Probably to satisfy both elmuerte and me as we complained in that thread. ;))

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