My feeble attempt at explaining the UT2003 Arena Mutator config menu script:
class UT2ArenaConfig extends GUIPage; var array<class<Weapon> > WeaponClass; var array<String> WeaponDesc; var moComboBox WeaponCombo; function InitComponent(GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner) { Super.InitComponent(MyController, MyOwner); WeaponCombo = moComboBox(Controls[4]); // Spawn 'please wait' screen while we DLO the weapons if ( Controller.OpenMenu("xinterface.UT2LoadingWeaponsArena") ) UT2LoadingWeaponsArena(Controller.TopPage()).StartLoad(self); } function bool InternalOnClick(GUIComponent Sender) { class'MutArena'.default.ArenaWeaponClassName = WeaponCombo.GetExtra(); class'MutArena'.static.StaticSaveConfig(); Controller.CloseMenu(false); return true; } defaultproperties { Controls(0)=GUIButton'XInterface.UT2ArenaConfig.DialogBackground' Controls(1)=GUIButton'XInterface.UT2ArenaConfig.OkButton' Controls(2)=GUILabel'XInterface.UT2ArenaConfig.DialogText' Controls(3)=GUILabel'XInterface.UT2ArenaConfig.DialogText2' Controls(4)=moComboBox'XInterface.UT2ArenaConfig.WeaponSelect' WinTop=0.300000 // Define where the top of the window is on screen WinHeight=0.400000 // Define the size of the window }
Well I told you it was feeble ;-P
But now at least the code's here.
El Muerte TDS: you may want to use the real source code (from the source code release) rather than the exported code, you are missing the GUI Object declarations.