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The UT2k4.ini File is used when creating a mod using the inbuilt mod system included with UT2k4. It contains Descriptions and links to your mod, modlogo and even your mod's url.

When using the -mod= switch in UT2k4 it will look for this file in your ModRootDir if found it will load the custom ini files.

In truth, the content of this file is only referenced by the "User Mods" tab of the community menu. Think of it as the "definition" file for you mod. It contains the the various text and options needed to fill out that menu. – UDN

General Information on the ut2k4mod.ini

This is the section header and it *MUST* be the first item of your UT2K4MOD.ini file. Without it your mod will not display.
This is the title of the mod and will be displayed in the select list of the "User Mods"tab.
This is the full name (ie: Package.texture) of the image to be displayed on the "User Mods"tab of the community menu when someone selects your mod. It should be 512x128.
This options sets the description that will show in the box on the "User Mods"tab. You can use the pipe character "|"to add CR/LF’s to the display.
This is the command line that will be used to launch your mod. You do not need to include the "–mod="as it will be auto-appended.
This is a hyperlink to a web site for your mod.



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OlympusMons: Thought id start on a little mod system stuff, I know theres other resources around but cmon this is the wiki. ;) Ok so its almost the same as UDN! :S

Tarquin: nice work. Remember, though, definition lists are made of ; then : no line break.

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