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Object >> WebRequest

An object representing a web request.


string URI
string Username
string Password
int ContentLength
string ContentType
ERequestType RequestType
private native const int VariableMap[5]
// TMultiMap<FString, FString>!
(What does that mean?)

Don't bother to list it, you can't use it anyway. It's a placeholder for a hash implemented in C++. —Mychaeel

ERequestType enum



Native functions

native final function string DecodeBase64 (string Encoded)
native final function AddVariable (string VariableName, string Value)
native final function string GetVariable (string VariableName, optional string DefaultValue)
native final function int GetVariableCount (string VariableName)
native final function string GetVariableNumber (string VariableName, int Number, optional string DefaultValue)

Other functions

function ProcessHeaderString (string S)
function DecodeFormData (string Data)
function int GetHexDigit(string D)
Returns a number from 0 to 15 that corresponds to the character D. (0-9 and A-F, not casesensitive)

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