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Wiki Integration/IRC Scripts

See Wiki Integration for more ideas for other applications.

mIRC Scripts

If you're looking for a small script for bots, please look at the bottom of the page. Currently it returns Unreal Wiki URLs and search results. -GeniusDex

You can add Unreal Wiki support to mIRC, one of the most popular Windows IRC clients nowadays.

  1. Download http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/misc/integration/unrealwiki.mrc and put it into your mIRC program folder.
  2. In mIRC, type /load -rs unrealwiki.mrc to load the script.

If you ever want to unload it again, type /unload -rs unrealwiki.mrc.

/wiki <page>

Always wanted to have a shortcut for giving people Unreal Wiki links in chat? Just type /wiki, followed by the name of a page on the Unreal Wiki. This alias takes care that the first letter after each blank or slash is capitalized and that spaces are replaced by underscores, so you can usually simply type away.

Input Result
/wiki http://wiki.beyondunreal.com
/wiki recent changes http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Recent_Changes
/wiki jailbreak/classes|Jailbreak Classes Jailbreak Classes: http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Jailbreak/Classes

/wikisearch <search keywords>

Launches the browser with the Wiki's Search page.

[[Wiki Links]]

You can write links with Wiki markup and they will be converted to actual URLs.

Input Result
see also [[class syntax]] see also Class Syntax (http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Class_Syntax)
check the [[actor class hierarchy|class hierarchy]] check the class hierarchy (http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Actor_Class_Hierarchy)
[[udntech:UnrealScriptDelegates]] UnrealScriptDelegates (http://udn.epicgames.com/pub/Technical/UnrealScriptDelegates/)

InterMap prefixes are not case-sensitive for the mIRC script. The following prefixes can be used:

Prefix Description
UDNTech Technical section of the UDN (http://udn.epicgames.com/pub/Technical)
UDNContent Content creation section of the UDN (http://udn.epicgames.com/pub/Content)
Wiki or PPR WikiWikiWeb
MeatBall Meatball Wiki
Wikipedia Wikipedia logo 
Thread BeyondUnreal Forums thread
Posting or Post BeyondUnreal Forums post
acronym or abbrev Link to [Acronym Finder] for an explanation of abbreviations and acronyms (e.g. [RTFM] :) ) Warning: Lots of ads. :/

By default Wiki Link URLs are displayed blue and underlined, but if the channel mode +c (no colors) is set for an IRC channel, the wiki script automatically turns off colored links so you still can send them to the channel.

When someone else writes a [[wiki link]] the script automatically generates the corresponding link and displays it for you. You can enable or disable this feature with the commands:

 /wikilist on
 /wikilist off

Unreal Wiki SearchBot

If you've got a spare (mIRC!) bot left, and you want to equip it with an Unreal Wiki Search, feel free to use the script i provided.

  1. Download http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/misc/integration/unrealwikiserv.mrc and put it into your mIRC program folder.
  2. In mIRC, type /load -rs unrealwikiserv.mrc.

If you ever want to unload it again, type /unload -rs unrealwikiserv.mrc.

I'll describe the triggers below. Please note: the bot can't trigger itself, only other people in the channel.


Use !wiki to generate links to the Unreal Wiki. It replaces spaces with an underscore, and capitalizes the first character of each word.

Input Result
!wiki http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/
!wiki recent changes http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Recent_Changes


Using this command you can search the Unreal Wiki through IRC. It's very simple, just type !wikisearch <search keywords> and the bot will search the Unreal Wiki for results matching your keywords. It returns the first 3 matches found, and if there are more matches it also adds a link to the search page. The bot gives an error if something's not alright, or there are no matches.

Input Result
!wikisearch Nonsense Unreal Wiki Search: ERROR
!wikisearch bla' Unreal Wiki Search [ http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Dante ]
!wikisearch scale Unreal Wiki Search [ http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/General_Scale_And_Dimensions | http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/MapScale | http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/2D_Shape_Editor_Menu | more: http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search=scale ]

The above results may vary as more pages are added to the wiki ;)

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