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I'm a long time hacker, software engineer by trade, and avid gamer of all sorts... FPS, RTS and RPG (the pen-and-paper kind too).

I started mucking about with Unreal script when UT came out... wrote a mutator called Enhanced Redeemer in a weekend just for fun, and uploaded it to the net. The place I uploaded it to quoted my name as "Wilma" and that has spread to wherever that damn mute went... hehehe. I sorta lost interest in UT after about six months and started coding other stuff in C++.

UT2003 came out and I'm back into the code, checking out stuff, and mucking around.

I'm not working on a mod project (yet), but working on a few mutators to get back into it.

It's great to see the scripting community start something like this Wiki... I'm all for sharing knowledge and Wikis are excellent for this sort of thing, where knowledge is usually learned or discovered by trial and error.


EntropicLqd: Welcome to the Wiki. Feel free to add yourself to the Project Contributors if you haven't done so already. :)

Tarquin: Hello & welcome to the Uwiki :D

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hi also! :) :tup:

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