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Hello. I, as might have been guessed, am Winterwing. I have a lot of interest in wikis, and lately in UnrealScript. I am an advocate of [gender-neutral pronouns] for reasons disclosed in way too much detail on my [personal site].


Strange creature, I; known to few and well to none; [mythical], [paranoid], [eccentric], [existent]...

...But mainly just bored.



  • UScript
  • Computer hardware
  • Electronics
  • Portable computing
  • Console emulation


  • Coding
  • Graphic design
  • Doing things of substantial marketable potential in a non-marketable way
  • Redundancy (see above)
  • Weird spirituality
  • Pointy people


Mods - UT

  • PopDamage, a silly mutator. Available on my mod site. More info: /Projects.




[Winterwing's stylishly minimalist mod site]


12 April 2004:

Apparently I've been kind of gone for a while. I took a break from coding to handle some personal things, and now I'm back into mutating. I think I'll rewrite PopDamage to implement the display system I came up with while trying to port it to U2XMP. And maybe I'll find out how to get things to replicate in XMP as well. Xx


EntropicLqd: Hello, welcome to the Wiki. Enjoy your stay here.

Winterwing: Thanks. ^^ Awesome site. I'll eventually fill this page out a bit.

Tarquin: Hi and welcome. You might want to link to Wikipedia logo Gender-neutral pronoun too :)

Winterwing: Oo, neat. I didn't think of looking on Wikipedia. I'll see how I feel about filling out a few more details whenever I wake up. Hmmm... this is kind of like a tagboard except much less coding on my part. XD

Winterwing: I woke up. =P

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