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Short Introduction

Hi all, I'm Winxprules. My actual name is Matthew. Thanks to you great guys who've helped expand the Wiki I've learnt enough to map an entire clone of my college. I don't think the teachers will be happy, but my friends now look at me with awe - they think it's great to be able to frag each other in a Maths room.

PC Specs

I've got two computers, each miles apart in terms of speed and power.

PC #1. My main PC. Used for Unreal Tournament 2003 editing.
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.2Ghz
Memory: 256MB (Yes, pitiful)
OS: Windows XP Home Edition and Windows Server 2003
Graphics Card: 128MB DDR-RAM nVidia geForce FX 5200
Hard Drive: 80GB 7200RPM, split into three partitions - 40GB, 20GB and 20GB
Monitor: 17" CRT
Average boot-up time: ~30 seconds
PC #2. A laptop that is SLOW. I've no idea why I tolerate it :)
Processor: 133MHz Pentium
Memory: 32MB (did I say 256MB was pitiful? I revise my decision)
OS: Windows 98... with some home-made hacks to make it look like Windows 2000...
Graphics Card: One built into the MoBo... about 4MB of memory
Hard Drive: 1.3GB
Monitor: 14" LCD
Average boot-up time: Never managed to count... I fall asleep waiting for it to load :D

My UnrealEd Skills

So, how good am I at UnrealEd? OK-ish. I've made a short list of my mapping abilities.

  • Textures: 4/10
  • Map Layout: 7/10
  • Sound and Music Composition: 1/10

I just can't compose music. The best I've done is create a one-track MIDI that uses a piano sound... and it didn't last longer than seven seconds :)

What else?

Well, my interests are:

  • Unreal Tournament 2003 mapping.
  • Windows XP, mostly because it is stable.
  • Programming with XHTML, CSS and PHP/MySQL.

I also enjoy experimenting with virtual PCs - I can totally wreck Windows and Linux without worrying about anything - even to the point of highlight /WINDOWS/System32/ and pressing the Del key...

I'd also like to say that this Wiki business is really great - the fact that anyone can add their own content makes it worth visiting the Unreal Wiki each day to find out new tips and tricks :)

That's about it

Yeah... that's just about it. Nothing else for me to say really.

If you want some tips on where to go next... I suggest you get back to UnrealEd'ing :)

Tarquin: Hello! Welcome to the site :)

WinxpRules: Thanks Tarquin :)

WinxpRules: I've added a bit more information about my UnrealEd skills... to summarise, totally rubbish ;)

WinxpRules: Well, a load of stuff has been re-arranged. Nothing much else to see... unless you're interested in the specifications of my PCs...

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