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Tarquin: I'm trying to create class tree markup in wookee. So I'm having to read and understand Mych's code. Part of this is groking the class tree structure, so here it is:

  +- BlockUnparsed
  |    +- BlockUnparsedCode
  |    +- BlockUnparsedPreformatted
  +- BlockWiki
  |    +- BlockWikiQuote
  |    +- BlockUnrealImage (WookeeUnreal.pm)
  +- BlockUnrealScript (WookeeUnreal.pm)
  +- BlockClassTree (WookeeTree.pm)
  +- ParagraphDefault
  +- ParagraphHeading
  +- ParagraphIndented
  +- ParagraphVerbatim
  +- ParagraphBullet
  +- ParagraphNumber
  +- ParagraphTree
  +- ParagraphDefinition
  +- ParagraphTable
  +- ParagraphUnrealImage (WookeeUnreal.pm)
  +- ParagraphUnrealClass (WookeeUnreal.pm)
  +- CharacterWiki
  +- CharacterHtml
  +- CharacterLink
  +- CharacterUnrealImage (WookeeUnreal.pm)

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Tarquin: This is sort of reference for anyone interested in working with Wookee.

Category To Do – Add related topics, links to this page from somewhere relevant, perhaps this needs work still? What is this exactly, anyway?

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