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I don't really know yet. :)

There's a lot of ideas dancing in my head - I hope by getting them down here I'll finally get off my butt and implement them.

I've had some ideas yet for characters, locations and events for some years now. I haven't been able to put them together into a single coherent story yet.

Deus Ex strikes me as the perfect environment to play with this stuff in. In short, it is the ideal environment to develop "sci-fi" RPGs in.

On Location In Xenithia

Picture another dimension just like ours: identical in almost every respect.

Up to a certain point in history, everything is exactly the same. In what would be thousands of years ago in our timeline, something happens that changes everything.

We don't know what that is, but we do know the effects. Everyone's talents and abilities get an ever-so-slight nudge above what they are in our universe.

In the Xenithia universe, certain personalities are just as renowned, but more so:

  • All of J.S. Bach's works survive to the present day - he enjoys a popularity he did not in our world.
  • Einstein completes the Unified Field Theory.
  • Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla work together - both are as renowned as Edison is in our day.

Many of the tragic events of our universe still happens - world wars, terrorism and such.

The Theme of Xenithia

I've had a phrase going through my head for a very long time. It's this that inspired me to connect my ideas with Deus Ex:

The World Is Not Digital


The story I'm implementing starts off around the same time as Deus Ex, the mid 2100's [ed: do I have this right?].

T1: It's 2052.

Corporations have even more power than they do so today - information is power even more so.

One company has control of almost every facet of information, be it entertainment, culture, the works. Books on paper are dying out - only a few very wealthy collectors can afford to keep them. (No it's not Microsoft!).'

A group forms around this time along the same lines as Sillouhette (damn I hate spelling) - they don't participate in violent protests, but more on the lines of vandalism of corporate property and such.

Entities of Various Sorts

The Chord

The Xenithia version of Sillouhette ((@*#(# French spelling!) as mentioned above.


At one point in the story, people who were originally in The Chord

Loselte De` Artiss

Eldarii Le` Rivi

Xhiris Ce`Andar

That's me! (Well, kind of).

His "real" name is Christopher Sander.

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