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Welcome to The FRESH Project Website

FRESH stands for Flood Routing for Emergency Services for Hurricanes.

In 2019 Grand Bahama Island was hit by Hurricane Dorian which had an enormous effect on the society and natural environment in the country. The damage from the hurricane amounted to US$3.4 billion, and there were at least 74 deaths in the country. Another 282 people were left missing after the hurricane. As natural disasters of greater magnitude become more prevalent with the heating climate, the need for the use of technology to analyze these disaster events increases exponentially.

As part of the effort to meet this need, the FRESH project provides a use case for using geospatial python packages to conduct and visualize emergency routing during flood events with hurricane Dorian serving as a test case.

This website provides further background on the project on the About page as well as documentation for the web application that was developed on the Documentation page. To access the code check out the repository on github.

FRESH Project Repository