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The specific structure and composition of the editorial team may vary depending on the society's organization and the scope of its activities. However, here are some key roles that are typically found in an editorial team:

  • Editor-in-Chief: The Editor-in-Chief is the head of the editorial team and holds the ultimate responsibility for the society's publications. They oversee the entire publication process, ensure the quality and integrity of the content, and make final decisions regarding the selection and editing of articles.
  • Managing Editor: The Managing Editor works closely with the Editor-in-Chief and assists in coordinating the day-to-day operations of the editorial team. They may handle administrative tasks, manage the submission and review process, and liaise with authors, reviewers, and other stakeholders.
  • Reviewers: Reviewers play a critical role in the publication process by conducting peer reviews of submitted manuscripts. They evaluate the technical soundness, methodology, and validity of the research presented in the articles. Reviewers provide feedback and recommendations to authors, helping them improve their work before publication.
  • Editors are responsible for ensuring that the articles adhere to the society's style guidelines, correct grammar and punctuation errors, and enhance the overall clarity and readability of the content. They review the manuscripts for language-related issues and make necessary edits.

  • Technical Editors: Technical Editors focus on the accuracy and technical details of the articles. They verify the correctness of equations, figures, and other technical aspects of the manuscripts. Technical Editors ensure that the articles meet the required standards for publication in the field of electrical engineering.
  • Editorial Board: The editorial board consists of senior members of the society or renowned experts in the field of electrical engineering. They provide guidance and expertise to the editorial team, participate in decision-making processes, and contribute to the overall strategic direction of the society's publications.
  • The roles and responsibilities mentioned above are common in many editorial teams. However, the specific structure and titles may vary depending on the society's policies, the size of the team, and the nature of the publications they produce.

    Active Members

    Current members in our Editorial Team are as follows:

    Aniket Ankush

    Secratary (Editorial & Media)

    Adarsh Aind

    Secratary (Editorial & Media)

    Priyanshu Mukherjee


    Kusum Kachhap
