
Module Contents



Reader providing the nearest value in time from a given time series.

class opendrift.readers.reader_timeseries.Reader(parameter_value_map)[source]

Bases: opendrift.readers.basereader.BaseReader, opendrift.readers.basereader.ContinuousReader

Reader providing the nearest value in time from a given time series.

init with a map {‘time’:, time array, ‘variable_name’: value, …} If there is the key lon or lat in the map, it will be stored as self.lon and but not as a timeserie.

get_variables(requestedVariables, time=None, x=None, y=None, z=None)[source]

Obtain and return values of the requested variables at all positions (x, y, z) closest to given time.


Dictionary with arrays of length len(x) with values at exact positions x, y and z.