Module: AutoDocking_Laser

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
AutoDocking_Laser Module to automaticly dock the robot in the charging station using scan lasers and a predefined pattern over the charging station. MOTION_CMD_V , MOTION_CMD_W , PARKING BATTERY_IS_CHARGING , BATTERY_MANAGER_IS_CHARGING , MOTION_CMD_V , MOTION_CMD_W , param_laserVar , PARKING , SHUTDOWN

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
agiro_f2_len Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern when it's too close (<distancia_parada)
agiro_f2_rap Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern in phase 2
agiro_mover Angular speed (deg/s) to approach the pattern
debug If it is true, a wxwindow is displayed with the location of the pattern
distancia_comprobacion //max error (cm) to consider a point as part of the line containing the three sub-patterns
distancia_corte Max depth difference (cm) between points to consider them as part of the same line (subpattern)
distancia_parada Distance to the pattern (cm) to slow down the robot movement
laserVar The name of the OpenMora variable from which to get the scans.
lon_aux1i min separation between patterns 1 and 2
lon_aux1s max separation between patterns 1 and 2
lon_aux2i min separation between patterns 2 and 3
lon_aux2s max separation between patterns 2 and 3
lon_sp1i Min width of the first stick
lon_sp1s Max width of the first stick
lon_sp2i Min width of the second stick
lon_sp2s Max width of the second stick
lon_sp3i Min width of the thrid stick
lon_sp3s Max width of the third stick
longitud_total_patron The total length of the pattern (cm), from first to third stick
v_lineal_f2_len Linear speed (m/s) to approaach the pattern when it's too close (<distancia_parada)
v_lineal_f2_rap Liner speed (m/s) to approach the pattern in phase 2
v_lineal_mover Linear speed (m/s) to approach the pattern

Detailed description:
Module to automaticly dock the robot in the charging station using scan lasers and a predefined pattern over the charging station.This module implements the functionality of detecting a pattern based on three sticks of different width, and move towards it untilthe robot detects that its charging.The dimensions of the pattern can be set via configuration params, as well as the movement speeds.

Module graph:

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