List of all variables:

Variable name Short description Who publishes it? Who subscribes to it?
"output_variable" The variable specified in the parameters to replay after parsing TextInterpreter
<BATTERY_V> The actual bettery level of the Mobile Robotic Base MobileRobot_Giraff
<BUMPERS> The state of front and read bumpers (1 pressed /0 unpressed) of the Mobile Robotic Base MobileRobot_Giraff
<ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_AVRG_VEL for each channel (i=0,1,2,3), the averaged velocity, in ticks/second, according to the given filter window length. PhidgetsEncoders
<ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_COUNT for each channel (i=0,1,2,3), the current tick count (position) of the encoder. PhidgetsEncoders
<ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_INST_VEL for each channel (i=0,1,2,3), the instantaneous estimation of the velocity, in ticks/second. PhidgetsEncoders
<enose_label> (no description) Enose_Display
<ENOSE_LABEL>_MOXMODELED The resulting GasSensor Observation after applying the MOX model. MOX_SensorModel
<listening_variable> (no description) TextInterpreter
<NAVIGATE_TARGET> Reactive target position to navigate in the form [x y] Wifi_KeepCoverage
<NEW_TASK> Launch a task from the chat SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
<ODOMETRY_OBS> The robot absolute odometry as mrpt::slam::CObservationOdometry MobileRobot_Giraff
<OpenMORA_VAR> This variable could be any OpenMORA variable. It is the result of a scheduled task. The first parameter is always the petitionID. Planner
<SENSOR_LABEL> The MRPT Gas Sensor Observation of the simulated eNose parsed as a string through ObjectToString Enose_Simul GenericSensor
<SENSOR_LABEL>_OBS (no description) RawlogPlay
<SENSOR_LABEL>_RATE The approximate observation gathering rate (in Hz) of the given sensor. GenericSensor
<SKYPE_CONTACT> Username from who the last message was received SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
<SKYPE_RECV> Raw text received from the skype chat SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
a (no description) RobotGUI
ADD_ARC Variable contaning the info of the new arc to be added to the Graph (label_nodeA label_nodeB type) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
ADD_NODE Variable contaning the info of the new node to be added to the Graph (label type x y) MQTTMosquitto RobotGUI WorldModel
ALL_ARCS (no description) RobotGUI
ALL_NODES (no description) RobotGUI
APPCAST (no description) AppCasting
ARM_ADDCOMPLETETRAJECTORY (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_BLOCK (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_CALCULATEMATRIX (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_CALCULATEMATRIX2 (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_CALIBRATEARM (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_CALIBRATEARMDEPTH (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_CAPTURE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_DEMOSTRATION3 (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_DEMOSTRATIONVIDEO (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_DROP (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_DROPOBJECT (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_FINGERDISPLACE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_FINGERTO (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_GIVEMEYOURHAND (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_GOHOME (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_INTRINSICCALIBRATION (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_INUSE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_JOYSTICK (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_LOCATEONEPATTERN (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_LOCATEPATTERN (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_MARIANOMETHOD (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_MOVETO (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_MOVETOANGLE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_OFFSECUENCE (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_PICK (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_PICKOBJECT (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_POSE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_POSITIONDISPLACE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_READYTOCALIBRATE (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_READYTOCLAMP (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_READYTOPICK (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_READYTOPUSH (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_REPRODUCEMOVEMENT (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_REPRODUCEONEMOVEMENT (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_RETRACT (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_ROTATIONDISPLACE (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_ROTATIONTO (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_TAKEDEPTH (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_TRANSFORMATIONPOINT (no description) Arm_Kinova Arm_Kinova
ARM_TURNHANDLEFT (no description) Arm_Kinova
ARM_TURNHANDRIGHT (no description) Arm_Kinova
AVAILABLE_ACTIONS (no description) RobotGUI
Battery_I (no description) BatteryManager
BATTERY_IS_CHARGING Variable that indicates when the robot is charging its battery MobileRobot_Giraff AutoDocking_Camera AutoDocking_Laser MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
Battery_Level (no description) StateCharts
BATTERY_MANAGER_CHARGER_I Intensity (A) of the charger BatteryManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_COMPLETE_RECHARGE 0 Recharging not finished , 1 Recharging finished BatteryManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_I Intensity (A) consumed by the monitored battery BatteryManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_IS_CHARGING 0 The battery is not charging, 1 The battery is charging BatteryManager AutoDocking_Laser MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_LEVEL Charge Level (Value*10%) of the monitored battery BatteryManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_LIFE (Units=Minutes) BatteryManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_V Voltage(V) of the monitored battery as an mrpt::CObservationBatteryState BatteryManager RobotControlManager
BATTERY_MANAGER_V_FLOAT Voltage (V) of the monitored battery as a float BatteryManager
BATTERY_V The curent battery level of the Mobile Robotic Base as an mrpt::CObservationBatteryState MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer BatteryManager RobotControlManager
BATTERY_V_FLOAT The curent battery level of the Mobile Robotic Base as float MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MQTTMosquitto
BUMPERS The state of front and read bumpers (1 pressed /0 unpressed) of the Mobile Robotic Base MobileRobot_Pioneer
BUTTONS_CMD Byte containing the pressed buttons JoystickControl MobileRobot_Segway
By (no description) RobotGUI
Camera-SensorLabel Camera images as binary serializations of "CObservationImage" passed to std::vector<uint8_t> through ObjectToOctetVector() MonoCamera
CAMERA_H (no description) MonoCamera AutoDocking_Camera
CAMERA_W (no description) MonoCamera
CANCEL (no description) NavigatorReactivePTG3D
CANCEL_IN_EXECUTION Cancel current Navigation Plans (Executor) RobotControlManager Executor
CANCEL_NAVIGATION Cancel the current navigation and return control to client (Manual Mode) AutoDocking_Camera JoystickControl MQTTMosquitto NavigatorTopological RobotControlManager MQTTMosquitto NavigatorTopological RobotControlManager
CHANGE_NODE_LABEL Variable contaning the info to change the name of an existing node (old_label new_label) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
Charger_I (no description) BatteryManager
CLARAQUINO_LAST_CMD_STATUS The last command sent out to the board. Can be used to monitor whether the module is up and responding. Claraquino StereoFlyCap
CLARAQUINO_T1_FREQ Generates a 50% duty square signal in T1 pin (PD4) with the given frequency in Hz (set to 0 to disable). StereoFlyCap Claraquino
CLIENT_MQTT_ACK Flag to indicate that communication with client is alive. MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
COLLABORATIVE Indicates if collaborative control is requested by the user RobotControlManager MQTTMosquitto
COLLABORATIVE_REQUEST A request related to collaborative control of the robot MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
CURRENT_MAP_GAS_SIMUL A temporary file with a binary serialization of an opengl object (CSetOfObjects) with the current state of the gas map being simulated. Enose_Simul DistributionMapping RobotGUI
CURRENT_MAP_GRIDMAP A temporary file where the current grid map has been serialized to. Localization2D_PF RobotGUI
DAQ_AIN{i} NI DAQ Analog Input (AIN) voltage readings for the i'th channel (0-based, in the order specified in the .moos file) NIDAQ
DAQ_AO_TASK{i} NI DAQ Analog outputs (AOUT) voltage for the i'th *task* of this kind (0-based, in the order specified in the .moos file) NIDAQ
DAQ_DO_TASK{i} NI DAQ digital outputs (DOUT) for the i'th *task* of this kind (0-based, in the order specified in the .moos file). 0 => false, !=0 => true NIDAQ
DAQ_OBS NI DAQ readings as binary serializations of "CObservationRawDAQ" passed to std::vector<uint8_t> through ObjectToOctetVector() NIDAQ
DAQ_VOLT1 Voltage measurement of differential channel 1 (Units = Volts) from the Data AQuisition Board DAQ_Advantech
DAQ_VOLT2 Voltage measurement of differential channel 2 (Units = Volts) from the Data AQuisition Board DAQ_Advantech
DAQ_VOLT3 Voltage measurement of differential channel 3 (Units = Volts) from the Data AQuisition Board DAQ_Advantech
DAQ_VOLT4 Voltage measurement of differential channel 4 (Units = Volts) from the Data AQuisition Board DAQ_Advantech
DEPTH_FRAME (no description) TEST_extRGBDSensor
disk (no description) RobotGUI
DOMOTICS_OPERATION Orders to switch on/off each of the channels of a domotics server. Executor Domotics_IpPower
ENABLE_MOTORS (no description) MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer
ENC1_CH0_AVRG_VEL (no description) eCarOdometry
ENC1_CH0_COUNT (no description) eCarOdometry
ENC1_CH1_AVRG_VEL (no description) eCarOdometry
ENC1_CH1_COUNT (no description) eCarOdometry
ENOSE_MCE_AC_OBS The ActiveChamber observation of the MCE e-nose as a CObservationGasSensorsMRPT parsed as a string through ObjectToString Enose_MCE
ENOSE_MCE_OBS The MCE e-nose gas observation as a CObservationGasSensorsMRPT parsed as a string through ObjectToString Enose_MCE
ENOSE_MCE_SWITCH_CHAMBER Variable to make the MCE-nose to switch chamber Enose_MCE
ENOSE_SIMUL (no description) DistributionMapping
ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. RobotControlManager WorldModel MQTTMosquitto
EST_GOODNESS The goodness of the robot pose estimation Localization2D_PF NavigatorReactivePTG3D
FBUMPERS (no description) MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer
fixed (no description) RobotGUI
from (no description) RobotGUI
Full_MCEnose (no description) DistributionMapping
GAS_MEAN_ONLINE_MAP A temporary file with a binary serialization of an opengl object (CSetOfObjects) with the current state of the GAS_MEAN_MAP being simulated. DistributionMapping RobotGUI
GAS_VAR_ONLINE_MAP A temporary file with a binary serialization of an opengl object (CSetOfObjects) with the current state of the (VARIANCE) gas map being simulated. DistributionMapping RobotGUI
GDM (no description) DistributionMapping
Gesture_Id (no description) StateCharts
GET_NODE_POSITION Variable to request the location (x,y) of an existing node (node_label) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
GET_PATH (no description) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
GET_PERSON_LOCATION (no description) WorldModel
GO_TO_NODE Request the RobotController to start a reactive navigation to selected node. MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
GO_TO_RECHARGE Command the robot to recharge its batteries MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
GRAPH contains the list of all nodes and arcs from the world model WorldModel Executor MQTTMosquitto NavigatorTopological RandomNavigator
GRIDPOINTS (no description) NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotGUI
GT_GAS_SIMUL A temporary file with a binary serialization with the current state of the gas map being simulated (Ground Truth). Enose_Simul DistributionMapping
GUI_POS_SIZE (no description) RobotGUI
GUI_SET_CAMERA Sets the GUI camera parameters for the scene 3D representation, with this format:
Executor RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_BUMPERS (no description) RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_GAS_MEAN_ONLINE_MAP Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the mean_gasmap map. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_GAS_VAR_ONLINE_MAP Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the var_gasmap map. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_GASMAP_SIMUL (no description) RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_INFRARED1 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_LASER1 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. Executor RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_LASER2 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. Executor RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_LASER3 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_METRIC_MAP Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the metric map. Executor RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_PARTICLES Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the particles of the robot localization. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_SONAR1 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_SONAR2 Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") this sensor in the GUI. RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_TOPOLOGICAL_MAP Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the topological map. Executor RobotGUI WorldModel RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_VIRTUAL_OBS Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the navigator global virtual obstacles. Executor RobotGUI RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_WIFI (no description) RobotGUI
GUI_VISIBLE_WIND_ONLINE_MAP Whether to show (="1") or not (="0") the mean_gasmap map. RobotGUI RobotGUI
iable MAPCREATOR_RAWLOGFILE The path to a rawlog file to be proecessed by the MapCrator App
IMU_ACC_X Acceleration in X (m/s^2)
IMU_ACC_Y Acceleration in Y (m/s^2)
IMU_ACC_Z Acceleration in Z (m/s^2)
IMU_MAG_X X magnetic field value (gauss)
IMU_MAG_Y Y magnetic field value (gauss)
IMU_MAG_Z Z magnetic field value (gauss)
IMU_OBS IMU readings as binary serializations of "CObservationIMU" passed to std::vector<uint8_t> through ObjectToOctetVector()
IMU_PITCH Pitch (Y) absolute value (rad)
IMU_PITCH_VEL Pitch (Y) angular velocity (rad/sec)
IMU_ROLL Roll (X) absolute value (rad)
IMU_ROLL_VEL Roll (X) angular velocity (rad/sec)
IMU_YAW Yaw (Z) absolute value (rad)
IMU_YAW_VEL Yaw (Z) angular velocity (rad/sec)
IN_EXECUTION Variable published each time a new task is executed by the planner, to inform the Executor module. Planner Executor RobotGUI
INFRARED1 Infrared ranges, as a "CObservationRange" passed through "ObjectToString". MobileRobot_Simul NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
input_image_variable (no description) AutoDocking_Camera
IRD_WARNING (no description) RGBDSensorToReactive NavigatorReactivePTG3D
Is_Charging: The current charging status: 0 The battery is not charging, 1 The battery is charging MobileRobot_Giraff
it (no description) RobotGUI
JOYSTICK_MODE A string either "0" or "1" to enable manual control with a Joystick RobotGUI JoystickControl NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
KINECT1 (no description) MobileRobot_Simul RGBDSensorToReactive NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotGUI
LASER1 (no description) Localization2D_PF MQTTMosquitto NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotGUI
LASER2 (no description) Localization2D_PF NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotGUI
LASER3 (no description) Localization2D_PF NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
LOAD_GRAPH Variable to request loading the topological graph from file (file) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
loads (no description) RobotGUI
LOCALIZATION The Robot localization as (x y phi) triplet. DistributionMapping Localization2D_Fusion DistributionMapping Enose_Simul Executor LookAtPoint MQTTMosquitto NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D NavigatorTopological RobotControlManager RobotGUI Wifi_KeepCoverage WorldModel
LOCALIZATION_COV The robot estimated pose uncertainty, as a 3x3 covariance matrix for [x y yaw] Localization2D_Fusion NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
LOCALIZATION_COV_PF The robot estimated pose uncertainty, as a 3x3 covariance matrix for [x y yaw] Localization2D_PF Localization2D_Fusion
LOCALIZATION_OBS The robot estimated pose uncertainty as mrpt::slam::CObservationOdometry Localization2D_Fusion
LOCALIZATION_PARTICLES A matrix [x y phi;...] with a few of the particles used in PF localization. Localization2D_PF RobotGUI
LOCALIZATION_PF The robot estimated pose in format "[x y phi]" Localization2D_PF Localization2D_Fusion
LOGGER_DIRECTORY (no description) pLogger SessionLogger
LOGGER_START Start a new session in the SessionLogger Module with the provided username MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
LOGGER_STOP Stops the current session in the SessionLogger module MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
LOOK_AT_POINT The 2D absolute coordinates of the point to look at, in the format "[x y]" Executor LookAtPoint
MAPCREATOR_RAWLOGFILE (no description) MapCreator
MCEnose (no description) DistributionMapping
MOOS_DEBUG (no description) App
MORA_GLOBAL_LOG Low-traffic text lines intended to be shown to the user in one central GUI from all the modules. NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotGUI
MORA_IMAGES_DIR The directory where mrpt::utils::CImage store delay-load images (may be a shared memory directory) MonoCamera RawlogPlay StereoFlyCap ChessboardDetector StereoOdometry_common
Mota_Alert (no description) StateCharts
MOTION_CMD_V The requested robot linear speed AutoDocking_Camera AutoDocking_Laser JoystickControl LookAtPoint NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotControlManager AutoDocking_Laser MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MobileRobot_Segway MobileRobot_Simul
MOTION_CMD_W The requested robot angular speed AutoDocking_Camera AutoDocking_Laser JoystickControl LookAtPoint NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotControlManager AutoDocking_Laser MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MobileRobot_Segway MobileRobot_Simul
MOTION_REQUEST v w A request to set the robot linear and angular speeds MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
MOVE_NODE Variable contaning the info of the new node position on the Graph (label x y) MQTTMosquitto RobotGUI WorldModel
MQTT_CONNECT_STATUS Variable contaning the connection status of MQTT MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
MY_SUBSCRIBED_VAR1 (no description) RawlogPlay
MY_SUBSCRIBED_VAR2 (no description) RawlogPlay
MY_SUBSCRIBED_VAR3 (no description) RawlogPlay
NAV_EVENT_END Indicates the current navigation is close to end LookAtPoint NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D Executor NavigatorTopological
NAV_EVENT_ERROR An event from the navigator. NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D Executor NavigatorTopological
NAV_EVENT_NOWAY An event from the navigator. NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D Executor
NAV_EVENT_START An event from the navigator. NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D Executor
NAVIGATE_CANCEL (no description) NavigatorReactivePTG
NAVIGATE_TARGET Set destination ([x y]) for robot to go autonomously Executor MQTTMosquitto NavigatorTopological RobotControlManager RobotGUI Wifi_KeepCoverage NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D RobotControlManager
NAVIGATION_VIRTUAL_OBS A list of fixed obstacle points in global coordinates, as a 2xM or 3xM matrix with the X, Y and Z coordinates of the obstacles: "[x1 x2 x3 ...;y1 y2 y3 ...;z1 z2 z3...]" NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
NECKMSG The Neck position to achieve LookAtPoint NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D TextInterpreter eNeck
NEW_TASK The new tast generated after parsing the incomming text. BatteryManager Executor RandomNavigator RobotControlManager SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI StateCharts TextInterpreter VoiceVerbio Agenda
NODE_POSITION geometric position of a node in response to the "GET_NODE_POSITION" var. WorldModel Executor
now (no description) RobotGUI
OBJECTIVE_FILE (no description) TextInterpreter StateCharts
ODO_REFERENCE The last odometry used to estimate the pose Localization2D_PF Localization2D_Fusion
ODOMETRY The robot absolute odometry in the format "[x y phi]" eCarOdometry MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MobileRobot_Simul Localization2D_PF NavigatorReactivePTG
ODOMETRY_ANG_SPEED The vehicle instantaneous angular speed (rad/s) (positive=counterclockwise) eCarOdometry
ODOMETRY_INCR Robot odometry increments in format "[x y phi]" eCarOdometry
ODOMETRY_LIN_SPEED The vehicle instantaneous linear velocity (m/s) (positive=forward) eCarOdometry
ODOMETRY_OBS The robot absolute odometry as mrpt::slam::CObservationOdometry eCarOdometry MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MobileRobot_Simul AutoDocking_Camera Localization2D_Fusion
only (no description) RobotGUI
param_laserVar (no description) AutoDocking_Laser
PARKING Variable that indicates when the robot should start the Docking process. AutoDocking_Laser RobotControlManager AutoDocking_Camera AutoDocking_Laser MQTTMosquitto RobotControlManager
PATH Sequence of nodes from "robot" to provided destiny in response to the "GET_PATH" var. WorldModel NavigatorTopological Planner
Person_Found (no description) StateCharts
PERSON_LOCATION The result of finding a Person(node_label) in the Topological Graph WorldModel Planner
PLAN_FINISHED Variable that inform that a Plan (task) has been completely executed. Executor Planner Planner RandomNavigator RobotControlManager StateCharts
PNAVIGATORREACTIVEPTG3D_CMD Request the reactive3D to stop current navigation RobotControlManager TextInterpreter NavigatorReactivePTG3D
PNAVIGATORREACTIVEPTG_CMD (no description) Executor TextInterpreter
RANDOM_NAVIGATOR Activate/Deactivate the module to generate random navigations MQTTMosquitto RandomNavigator RobotControlManager MQTTMosquitto RandomNavigator RobotControlManager RobotGUI
RECHARGE_COMPLETED (0=not finished, 1=finished) RobotControlManager
RELOCALIZE_IN_AREA Relocalize the robot in the given area. Var value is: "[x_min x_max y_min y_max]" MQTTMosquitto RobotGUI Localization2D_PF
REMOVE_ARC Variable contaning the info of the arc to be removed from the Graph (nodeFrom nodeTo Arc_type) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
REMOVE_NODE Variable contaning the info of the node to be removed from the Graph (nodeLabel) MQTTMosquitto WorldModel
RESET_ODO (no description) Arm_Kinova
RESUME_STATECHART (no description) StateCharts
ROBOT_CONTROL_MODE The Giraff working mode: 0=Manual=Pilot, 2=Autonomous=OpenMORA RobotControlManager MobileRobot_Giraff MQTTMosquitto
ROBOT_ID The unique identifier of the robot. MQTTMosquitto
ROBOT_TOPOLOGICAL_PLACE The id of the closet node in the world model graph to the current robot position Executor NavigatorTopological WorldModel MQTTMosquitto RandomNavigator
SAVE_GRAPH Variable to request saving the current topology to file (file) MQTTMosquitto RobotGUI WorldModel
SAVE_RAWLOG Commands module Rawlog-grabber to start/stop saving data to rawlog file MQTTMosquitto
SAY Variable containing a text phrase for voice reproduction BatteryManager Executor Wifi_KeepCoverage SpeechSynth VoiceFestival VoiceVerbio
SHUTDOWN (no description) NavigatorReactivePTG3D Agenda Arm_Kinova AutoDocking_Camera AutoDocking_Laser BatteryManager CamControl_ImagingSource DAQ_Advantech DistributionMapping Domotics_IpPower eNeck Enose_Display Enose_MCE Enose_Simul Executor GenericSensor JoystickControl Kinect_Odometry LibeliumWSN Localization2D_Fusion Localization2D_PF LookAtPoint MapCreator MobileRobot_Giraff MobileRobot_Pioneer MobileRobot_Segway MobileRobot_Simul MonoCamera MOX_SensorModel MQTTMosquitto NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG3D NavigatorTopological Planner RandomNavigator RGBDSensorToReactive RobotControlManager SessionLogger SpeechSynth StateCharts TEST_extRGBDSensor TextInterpreter TwitterAgent VoiceFestival VoiceVerbio Wifi_KeepCoverage Wifi_Monitor WorldModel
SKYPE_CAM (no description) TextInterpreter
SKYPE_CONTACT (no description) SkypeComm_WindowsAPI SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
SKYPE_RECV (no description) SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
SKYPE_SEND (no description) SkypeComm SkypeComm_WindowsAPI
SONAR1 Sonar ranges, as a "CObservationRange" passed through "ObjectToString". MobileRobot_Simul NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI
SONAR2 (no description) RobotGUI
STEERCONTROL_AUTO_POS Set to 0.0 to disable automatic control (=Manual steering), set to 1.0 to enable the automatic steering controller. SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROL_CLUTCH Set to !=0.0 to enable the clutch that allows the steering motor to move the steering wheel. SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROL_PWM The PWM duty cycle when in non-controller mode (STEERCONTROL_AUTO_POS=0). Range is -1.0 to +1.0 for forward/backward direction. 0 means motor stopped. SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROL_STEERANG The desired setpoint for the steering angle (in RADIANS) when the controller is enabled (STEERCONTROL_AUTO_POS=1). 0 means straight forwards. SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROLSTATE_CUR_SENSE The latest voltage read by the the current sensor of the Pololu controller (in Volts) SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROLSTATE_POS The current tick count (position) of the steering encoder (in ticks) SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROLSTATE_STEER_ANG The current Ackermann central-equivalent steering angle (in radians). 0: pointing forward; >0: clockwise (Read from the controller, not the desired setpoint!) SteerControllerLowLevel
STEERCONTROLSTATE_VEL The current steering encoder velocity (in ticks/s) SteerControllerLowLevel
STEREO1_OBS Stereo images as mrpt::slam::CObservationStereoImages objects StereoFlyCap ChessboardDetector
STEREO_RECT_OBS Stereo images, after rectification, as mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages objects StereoOdometry_common
STOP_STATECHART (no description) TextInterpreter StateCharts
TALK (no description) TwitterAgent
TASK_LIST The list of pending tasks in the Agenda Agenda Planner
TASK_PLANNED The Id of the task that has just been planned (to inform the Agenda) Planner Agenda
TILT_CURRENT_ANGLE_FROM_HOME (no description) MobileRobot_Giraff AutoDocking_Camera MQTTMosquitto
TILT_CURRENT_ANGLE_FROM_HOME: The current tilt angle (degress) of the robot's screen MobileRobot_Giraff
TILT_GET_ANGLE_FROM_HOME (no description) MobileRobot_Giraff
TILT_SET_ANGLE_FROM_HOME (no description) AutoDocking_Camera MQTTMosquitto MobileRobot_Giraff
TILT_SET_ANGLE_FROM_HOME: The new tilt angle (degress) to set the robot's screen AutoDocking_Camera MQTTMosquitto
TOPOLOGICAL_DESTINY Name of the node where the reactive navigation has been planned. Planner RobotControlManager MQTTMosquitto
TWEET (no description) TwitterAgent
virtual (no description) RobotGUI
VIRTUAL_WORLD (no description) RobotGUI
VISION_ENABLE_DISPLAY_IMAGE (no description) Executor
VISION_ENABLE_FACEDETECTOR (no description) Executor
VOICE_EVENT_DONE Event to indicate that current text has been reproduced VoiceFestival VoiceVerbio Executor
Volt1 Voltage measurement of differential channel 1 (Units = Volts) DAQ_Advantech
Waspmote_Network_Data (no description) LibeliumWSN LibeliumWSN
WIFI_POWER Strength of the wifi signal (0 to 100) monitored as a double value. Wifi_KeepCoverage Wifi_Monitor
WIFI_POWER_SER The last Wifi measurements as a MRPT CObservationWirelessPower observation Wifi_Monitor Wifi_KeepCoverage
WIND_ONLINE_MAP A temporary file with a binary serialization of an opengl object (CSetOfObjects) with the current state of the WIND_MEAN_MAP being simulated. DistributionMapping RobotGUI
WORKING (no description) Arm_Kinova
world (no description) RobotGUI
zoomcam_focus (no description) CamControl_ImagingSource
zoomcam_zoom (no description) CamControl_ImagingSource

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