Module: Enose_MCE

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
Enose_MCE Interface with the Multi Chamber Electronic nose (MCE-nose). ENOSE_MCE_AC_OBS , ENOSE_MCE_OBS ENOSE_MCE_SWITCH_CHAMBER , SHUTDOWN

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
<GenericSensor> The MRPT CGenericSensor parameters
decayValue Decay value(%) in the "active chamber" readings required in the Adaptive switching mode, to consider that a decay phase is starting.(maxValue - maxValue*decayValue/100.0 )
delay Delay to introduce to the gas readings as consequence of the pneumatic circuit and electronics (seconds)
min_diff Minimum difference (value) that must exists between the readings of the actual active chamber (AC) and the candidate Chamber to switch at, to allow switching.
minActiveTime Minimum time (seconds) a chamber must be active (odor flooded). In periodic Switching (strategy = 1) this is the Period.
num_chambers The number of chambers in the e-nose device (see the OpenMORA wiki for more info)
num_sensors_chamber The number of gas sensors to be read on each chamber.
sensorID The sensor type (0x2620, 0x2601, etc) to be taken into account for the switching strategy. If sensorID = 0 the mean of all sensors is considered.
strategy The MCE-nose Switching strategy: 0(No Switching), 1(Periodic Switching), 2(Adaptive), 3(Calibration), 4(Dual mode). (see the OpenMORA wiki for more info)

Detailed description:
Interface with the Multi Chamber Electronic nose (MCE-nose).This module comunicates with the MCE-nose through a MRPT CBoardENoses interface1- Implements different switching strategies for the selection of the new Active Chamber2- Gets the ID of the actual Active chamber (chamber being odor flooded).3- Shares the readings with other OpenMORA modules.

Module graph:

TODO list:
Separate the MOXmodel in a different module, reading the variables published by this module and generating the MOXmodel output.

Changes log:

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