Module: Enose_Simul

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
Enose_Simul Electronic nose (E-nose) simulator module. <SENSOR_LABEL> , CURRENT_MAP_GAS_SIMUL , GT_GAS_SIMUL LOCALIZATION , SHUTDOWN

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
enose_noise_offset Offset noise to add to all readings (typ=0)
enose_noise_std Additive gaussian noise (standard deviation) (readings saturate to [0,1])
enose_pose_on_robot_x The (x,y) position on the robot
enose_pose_on_robot_y The (x,y) position on the robot
enose_tau_decay 1st order model constant (seconds)
enose_tau_rise 1st order model constant (seconds)
map_bitmap [bitmap] Path to the initial bitmap image used to initialize the gas concentration
map_filename_prefix [GasMapModel_Dynamic] The prefix used for the filnames
map_frameRate [GasMapModel_Dynamic] The frame rate at wich process the bitmaps (frames/seconds)
map_gastype The ID of the gasMap. Usually is the model of a gas sensor (0x2620)
map_init_from Possible values: "bitmap", "uniform"
map_resolution [uniform] meters/pixel
map_sequence_folder [GasMapModel_Dynamic] The path to the folder containing the bitmap sequence.
map_value [uniform] Value to asign to the uniform gasMap
map_x0 [uniform] Coordinates of the initial point (meters)
map_x1 [uniform] Coordinates of the final point (meters)
map_y0 [uniform] Coordinates of the initial point (meters)
map_y1 [uniform] Coordinates of the final point (meters)
num_enoses The number of enoses to simulate.Note: all enoses are enabled to detect all typesof gases (i.e. all the individual maps simultaneously)
num_gas_maps Number of gasMaps to simulate
rate_refresh_gui In Hz: rate of resent gas map to GUI
rate_sensor In Hz: rate of sensor measurements
sensor_label The name given to the field "Sensor_label" in the generated CObservation, and also name of the MOOS variable to publish
simulator The simulator type to be used. Existing classes are: GasMapModel_Static and GasMapModel_Dynamic
voltage_max All sensor output concentrations data are normalized scaled by this value

Detailed description:
Electronic nose (E-nose) simulator module.This module implements different types of ground truth gas maps, and simulate the readings of different sensors (using a first order model).For information about the first order model see "Overcoming the Slow Recovery of MOX Gas Sensors through a System Modeling Approach" at

Module graph:

TODO list:
Consider the robot movement to modify the gas concentration arround it.Use a Computational Fluid Dynamics software to simulate the state of the gas at each instant, instead of use the basic image squence.

Changes log:
161-03-2012 Added Dynamic GasMap simulation, loading the state from a squence of images.

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