Module: DAQ_Advantech

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
DAQ_Advantech Interface to a Data AQuisition Board (DAQ) from Advantech (USB4711A, etc). DAQ_VOLT1 , DAQ_VOLT2 , DAQ_VOLT3 , DAQ_VOLT4 , Volt1 SHUTDOWN

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
Chan The sampled channel
Gain Gain Code: Refer to hardware manual for Code Range
m_dwDevideNum The number that identifies the device
Mode Acquisition Mode, 0: Single Input, 1: Multiple Inputs
TrigMode Trigger Mode, 0: internal trigger, 1:external trigger

Detailed description:
Interface to a Data AQuisition Board (DAQ) from Advantech (USB4711A, etc).Used to read the voltage and input/output currents from the main battery of the robot(Useful when this info is not provided by the robot base, or when aditional batteries are equipped)

Module graph:

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