Module: PhidgetsEncoders

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
PhidgetsEncoders Interface to Phidgets high-speed encoder USB board <ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_AVRG_VEL , <ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_COUNT , <ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH<i>_INST_VEL

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX (Default="ENC1") Encoder data from this board will be published as "<ENCODER_PUBLISH_PREFIX>_CH_{COUNT,INSTANT_VEL}" with i=0,1,2,3 for each encoder channel.
ENCODER_SERIAL (Default=-1) The serial number of the Phidgets encoder: the number in the "S/N" sticker (or "-1" to open the first board found).
SPEED_FILTER_IDLE_ITER_LOOPS_BEFORE_RESET (Default=1) Number of "ITERATE" loops without any new encoder tick before resetting the filtered average velocities.
SPEED_FILTER_SAMPLES_LEN (Default=10) Number of samples for the sliding window average filter of speeds.

Detailed description:
Interface to Phidgets high-speed encoder USB board

Module graph:

TODO list:

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