Module: MobileRobot_Pioneer

Module info:

Module name Short description Publishes Subscribes
MobileRobot_Pioneer The interface to a MobileRobotics (ARIA-based) mobile robotic base. BATTERY_V , BATTERY_V_FLOAT , BUMPERS , FBUMPERS , ODOMETRY , ODOMETRY_OBS ENABLE_MOTORS , MOTION_CMD_V , MOTION_CMD_W , SHUTDOWN

MOOS commands accepted by the module:

Parameters accepted in the MOOS mission file:
Parameter Description
CActivMediaRobotBase_Parameters See description here mrpt::hwdrivers::CActivMediaRobotBase

Detailed description:
The interface to a MobileRobotics (ARIA-based) mobile robotic base.This module enables the communications (and some rudimentary control) for ActivMedia robotic bases (Pioneer DX/AT, PatrolBot, PeopleBot, etc).There is implemented access to robot odometry, ticks counts, velocities, battery charge status, and sonar readings, as well as basic velocity control.

Module graph:

TODO list:

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