Variable info:

Variable name Short description Who publishes it? Who subscribes to it?
NAVIGATION_VIRTUAL_OBS A list of fixed obstacle points in global coordinates, as a 2xM or 3xM matrix with the X, Y and Z coordinates of the obstacles: "[x1 x2 x3 ...;y1 y2 y3 ...;z1 z2 z3...]" NavigatorReactivePTG NavigatorReactivePTG RobotGUI

Variable graph:

Detailed description:
A list of fixed obstacle points in global coordinates, as a 2xM or 3xM matrix with the X, Y and Z coordinates of the obstacles: "[x1 x2 x3 ...;y1 y2 y3 ...;z1 z2 z3...]"Virtual obstacles can be also loaded from the mission file at start up. See parameter virtual_obstacles

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