Week 1/2 News: 15-Year-Old Car Death, Fentanyl, Chibok

Janurary 8, 2017

Nissan Pathfinder by Benjamin / CC BY 2.0

Hi guys! I'm back.

Well here's the news.

1/2: 15-Year-Old Girl Drives into a Road Beam and Dies

A 15-year-old girl, Hailee Melendez, lost her life today by crashing her Nissan Pathfinder in a support beam.

She was officially pronounced dead at 12:28 A.M.

Police still don’t know why she crashing into the beam.

Since she was 15, she could only get a learner license, which meant she had to have a licensed driver with her when she was driving. However, since she was the only one in the car, she was breaking the law.

It is a sad story, but it could have been prevented if she didn’t drive without supervision.

1/4: Increase of US Fentanyl Deaths

Fentanyl is an opioid about 90x stronger than morphine, and 30x stronger than heroine. A small dose is enough is overdose.

People investigating the drug have to wear thick suits and gas masks to prevent them from inhaling the substance.

Many people tried switching the fentanyl, but many ended up in the hospital.

Opioids have caused a nearly 70% increase in drug-related deaths.

Seems like we should stop using it.

1/5: Recovery of Another Chibok Girl

In case you didn’t know, the Chibok incident involved the Islam group Boko Haram, and the abduction of almost 300 girls in 2014.

The government has been trying to find these girls since 2014, and today they found one.

However, 195 girls are still missing.

The found girl will be released after medical checks.

Remember to click the title of each section to find the source.