
geoplot.sankey(*args, projection=None, start=None, end=None, path=None, hue=None, categorical=False, scheme=None, k=5, cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, legend=False, legend_kwargs=None, legend_labels=None, legend_values=None, legend_var=None, extent=None, figsize=(8, 6), ax=None, scale=None, limits=(1, 5), scale_func=None, **kwargs)

A geospatial Sankey diagram (flow map).

  • df (GeoDataFrame, optional.) – The data being plotted. This parameter is optional - it is not needed if start and end (and hue, if provided) are iterables.
  • projection ( object instance, optional) – A geographic projection. Must be an instance of an object in the module, e.g. This parameter is optional: if left unspecified, a pure unprojected matplotlib object will be returned. For more information refer to the tutorial page on projections.
  • start (str or iterable) – Linear starting points: either the name of a column in df or a self-contained iterable. This parameter is required.
  • end (str or iterable) – Linear ending points: either the name of a column in df or a self-contained iterable. This parameter is required.
  • path ( object instance or iterable, optional) – If this parameter is provided as an iterable, it is assumed to contain the lines that the user wishes to draw to connect the points. If this parameter is provided as a projection, that projection will be used for determining how the line is plotted. The default is ccrs.Geodetic(), which means that the true shortest path will be plotted (great circle distance); any other choice of projection will result in what the shortest path is in that projection instead.
  • hue (None, Series, GeoSeries, iterable, or str, optional) – A data column whose values are to be colorized. Defaults to None, in which case no colormap will be applied.
  • categorical (boolean, optional) – Specify this variable to be True if hue points to a categorical variable. Defaults to False. Ignored if hue is set to None or not specified.
  • scheme (None or {"Quantiles"|"Equal_interval"|"Fisher_Jenks"}, optional) – The scheme which will be used to determine categorical bins for the hue choropleth. If hue is left unspecified or set to None this variable is ignored.
  • k (int or None, optional) – If hue is specified and categorical is False, this number, set to 5 by default, will determine how many bins will exist in the output visualization. If hue is specified and this variable is set to None, a continuous colormap will be used. If hue is left unspecified or set to None this variable is ignored.
  • cmap (matplotlib color, optional) – The matplotlib colormap to be applied to this dataset (ref). This parameter is ignored if hue is not specified.
  • vmin (float, optional) – The value that “bottoms out” the colormap. Data column entries whose value is below this level will be colored the same threshold value. Defaults to the minimum value in the dataset.
  • vmax (float, optional) – The value that “tops out” the colormap. Data column entries whose value is above this level will be colored the same threshold value. Defaults to the maximum value in the dataset.
  • scale (str or iterable, optional) – A data column whose values will be used to scale the points. Defaults to None, in which case no scaling will be applied.
  • limits ((min, max) tuple, optional) – The minimum and maximum limits against which the shape will be scaled. Ignored if scale is not specified.
  • scale_func (ufunc, optional) – The function used to scale point sizes. This should be a factory function of two variables, the minimum and maximum values in the dataset, which returns a scaling function which will be applied to the rest of the data. Defaults to a linear scale. A demo is available in the example gallery.
  • legend (boolean, optional) – Whether or not to include a legend in the output plot. This parameter will not work if neither hue nor scale is unspecified.
  • legend_values (list, optional) – Equal intervals will be used for the “points” in the legend by default. However, particularly if your scale is non-linear, oftentimes this isn’t what you want. If this variable is provided as well, the values included in the input will be used by the legend instead.
  • legend_labels (list, optional) – If a legend is specified, this parameter can be used to control what names will be attached to the values.
  • legend_var ("hue" or "scale", optional) – The name of the visual variable for which a legend will be displayed. Does nothing if legend is False or multiple variables aren’t used simultaneously.
  • legend_kwargs (dict, optional) –

    Keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying matplotlib.pyplot.legend instance (ref).

  • extent (None or (minx, maxx, miny, maxy), optional) – If this parameter is unset geoplot will calculate the plot limits. If an extrema tuple is passed, that input will be used instead.
  • figsize (tuple, optional) – An (x, y) tuple passed to matplotlib.figure which sets the size, in inches, of the resultant plot. Defaults to (8, 6), the matplotlib default global.
  • ax (AxesSubplot or GeoAxesSubplot instance, optional) – A matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot or cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot instance onto which this plot will be graphed. If this parameter is left undefined a new axis will be created and used instead.
  • kwargs (dict, optional) –

    Keyword arguments to be passed to the underlying matplotlib.lines.Line2D instances (ref).


The axis object with the plot on it.

Return type:

AxesSubplot or GeoAxesSubplot instance


A Sankey diagram is a type of plot useful for visualizing flow through a network. Minard’s diagram of Napolean’s ill-fated invasion of Russia is a classical example. A Sankey diagram is useful when you wish to show movement within a network (a graph): traffic load a road network, for example, or typical airport traffic patterns.

This plot type is unusual amongst geoplot types in that it is meant for two columns of geography, resulting in a slightly different API. A basic sankey specifies data, start points, end points, and, optionally, a projection.

import geoplot as gplt
import as gcrs
gplt.sankey(mock_data, start='origin', end='destination', projection=gcrs.PlateCarree())

However, Sankey diagrams need additional geospatial context to be interpretable. In this case (and for the remainder of the examples) we will provide this by overlaying world geometry.

ax = gplt.sankey(mock_data, start='origin', end='destination', projection=gcrs.PlateCarree())

This function is very seaborn-like in that the usual df argument is optional. If geometries are provided as independent iterables it can be dropped.

ax = gplt.sankey(projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), start=network['from'], end=network['to'])

You may be wondering why the lines are curved. By default, the paths followed by the plot are the actual shortest paths between those two points, in the spherical sense. This is known as great circle distance. We can see this clearly in an ortographic projection.

ax = gplt.sankey(projection=gcrs.Orthographic(), start=network['from'], end=network['to'],
         extent=(-180, 180, -90, 90))

Plot using a different distance metric, pass it as an argument to the path parameter. Awkwardly, cartopy crs objects (not geoplot ones) are required.

import cartopy.ccrs as ccrs
ax = gplt.sankey(projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(), start=network['from'], end=network['to'],

One of the most powerful sankey features is that if your data has custom paths, you can use those instead with the path parameter.

gplt.sankey(dc, path=dc.geometry, projection=gcrs.AlbersEqualArea(), scale='aadt',
        limits=(0.1, 10))

The hue parameter colorizes paths based on data.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to', path=PlateCarree(),

cmap changes the colormap.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu')

legend adds a legend.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu',

Pass keyword arguments to the legend with legend_kwargs. This is often necessary for positioning.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.4, 1.0)})

Specify custom legend labels with legend_labels.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.25, 1.0)},
                 legend_labels=['Very Low', 'Low', 'Average', 'High', 'Very High'])

Change the number of bins with k.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.25, 1.0)},

Change the binning sceme with scheme.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='mock_variable', cmap='RdYlBu',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.25, 1.0)},
                 k=3, scheme='equal_interval')

If your variable of interest is already categorical, specify categorical=True to use the labels in your dataset directly.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 hue='above_meridian', cmap='RdYlBu',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.2, 1.0)},

scale can be used to enable linewidth as a visual variable.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.2, 1.0)},

By default, the polygons will be scaled according to the data such that the minimum value is scaled by a factor of 0.2 while the largest value is left unchanged. Adjust this using the limits parameter.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 scale='mock_data', limits=(1, 3),
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.2, 1.0)},

The default scaling function is a linear one. You can change the scaling function to whatever you want by specifying a scale_func input. This should be a factory function of two variables which, when given the maximum and minimum of the dataset, returns a scaling function which will be applied to the rest of the data.

def trivial_scale(minval, maxval):
    def scalar(val):
        return 2
    return scalar

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
                 start='from', end='to',
                 scale='mock_data', scale_func=trivial_scale,
                 legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.1, 1.0)},

In case more than one visual variable is used, control which one appears in the legend using legend_var.

ax = gplt.sankey(network, projection=gcrs.PlateCarree(),
         start='from', end='to',
         legend=True, legend_kwargs={'bbox_to_anchor': (1.1, 1.0)},
         hue='mock_data', legend_var="hue")