
Known Issues

From Whonix


All Platforms[edit]

"apt source package" will show "dpkg-source: warning: failed to verify signature"[edit]

This is not a security issue, but only a warning. Read the entire thread here [archive] for more information.

This warning message can be removed with the following workaround below.

1. Modify /etc/dpkg/origins/default

sudo unlink /etc/dpkg/origins/default

sudo ln -s /etc/dpkg/origins/debian /etc/dpkg/origins/default

2. Download the source package.

apt source package

3. Undo afterwards to prevent unexpected issues.

sudo unlink /etc/dpkg/origins/default

sudo ln -s /etc/dpkg/origins/whonix /etc/dpkg/origins/default

Proxychains Tor Browser Issue[edit]

Using Tor Browser in conjunction with proxychains for the connection scheme: UserTorProxyInternet
does not currently work. For more information, see here.


ATA Freeze[edit]

If you see the following error and freezing.

433.348893] mptscsih: ioc0: attempting target reset! (sc=ffff81021b950940)
433.348896] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB: ATA command pass through(16): 85 08
0e 00 d5 00 01 00 09 00 4f 00 c2 00 b0 00
433.605026] mptscsih: ioc0: target reset: SUCCESS (sc=ffff81021b950940

It is a known [archive] issue and hardware-specific - VirtualBox upstream bug report: [archive]
This cannot be fixed by the Whonix ™ team and patches are required.

It has been reported [archive] that running from an internal HDD/SSD works better than running from external devices.
One workaround might be avoiding high load on your host operating system. If this bug causes a lot of problems, then your only option is to switch to another platform.


Non-Qubes-Whonix ™ means all Whonix ™ platforms except Qubes-Whonix ™. This includes Whonix ™ KVM, Whonix ™ VirtualBox and Whonix ™ Physical Isolation.

Mounting (CD / DVD) Devices[edit]

If the device auto mounter is broken, see if Start menuSystem SettingsRemovable Media helps.

The following workaround can be used.

sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom

sudo mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/

Using the ro flag will mount the CD / DVD in read-only mode. If a CD / DVD is not being mounted, then drop the "-o ro" parameter.

Forum discussion: [archive]

Help fixing this bug is welcome! (ticket [archive])

Network Manager Systray Unmanaged Devices[edit]

Network manger question mark.png Short answer: Unmanaged devices are unrelated to Whonix ™ functioning and should not concern the user.
Long answer: [1]

Suspend / Hibernate Issues[edit]

Short: Avoid suspending or hilbernating the computer or Whonix ™ VMs while Whonix ™ is running.

Long: Network Time Syncing, Clock Fix. [2]

VLC / Video Player Crash[edit]

The following workaround can be used; this is the default in recent builds (like Whonix ™ 14). [3]



  1. Whonix ™ does not use network manager to manage either eth0 or eth1. It is unnecessary to port to network manager at this point, because there is no reason besides this issue. Ifupdown has functioned admirably in Whonix ™ for a long time and is well tested. It is unclear if network manager, specifically cli, is ready for the prime time yet. Network manager is simply reporting information that it does not manage these devices; this is not an error.
    To reduce confusion, the ideal Whonix ™ default would either: prevent the systray item starting, hide the systray item, or suppress the information being presented. Network manager is installed so users can easily setup VPNs with its intuitive graphical user interface.
    All attempts to fix this long-standing issue have failed. Help is welcome to fix it.
    Fix Unmanaged Devices Network Manager [archive]
  2. [archive]

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