
Manually Create Whonix VM Settings

From Whonix



Info Advanced users only!

The following instructions are useful, if you have a backup of Whonix ™ .vmdk hard disk images but want to restore them. This could be the case if your VM settings file is damaged or missing for some reason or if you only made a backup of the .vmdk files.

In case you want to use other operating systems behind Whonix-Gateway ™, other than the default Whonix-Workstation ™, then rather read the Other Operating Systems page.

Whonix-Workstation ™[edit]


Qubes-Whonix ™ users can skip this.

For Non-Qubes-Whonix ™, click on Expand on the right.

If the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template was downloaded and imported, this section can be skipped. [1]

If a VirtualBox VM was manually created, click on Expand on the right.

Find out the name of the VM you are using.

vboxmanage list vms

Apply these settings. [2]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --synthcpu on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --acpi on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --ioapic on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --rtcuseutc on
VBoxManage setextradata "yourvmname" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" "1"

Disable clipboard sharing. [3]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --clipboard disabled

Disable Drag'n'Drop support. [4]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --draganddrop disabled

Assistance is welcome in verifying that the settings on this wiki page match those we are using in Whonix ™ source code. This ensures that no settings have been forgotten. If interested, click on Expand on the right.

In Whonix ™ source code, examine build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm for the functions general_setup and workstation_specific. Apply any missing settings from build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm. It is also sensible to drop the "sudo -u $USERNAME" setting.

The following settings are not required. They are either recommended earlier on, or done by the gui creation process:

  • --name
  • storagectl
  • storageattach
  • --memory
  • --pae
  • --intnet1
  • --cableconnected
  • --macaddress1
  • --audiocontroller
  • --audio
  • --rtcuseutc

Network → Adapter 1 → attached to Internal Network (Important!)

Network → Adapter 1 → Name (of Internal Network) (Important!): Whonix

→ OK

More Security[edit]


Combine the information from this chapter to the Easy chapter.

Qubes-Whonix ™ users can skip this.

For Non-Qubes-Whonix ™, click on Expand on the right.

If the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template was downloaded and imported, this section can be skipped. [5]

If a VirtualBox VM was manually created, click on Expand on the right.

Find out the name of the VM you are using.

vboxmanage list vms

Apply these settings. [6]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --synthcpu on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --acpi on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --ioapic on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --rtcuseutc on
VBoxManage setextradata "yourvmname" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" "1"

Disable clipboard sharing. [7]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --clipboard disabled

Disable Drag'n'Drop support. [8]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --draganddrop disabled

Assistance is welcome in verifying that the settings on this wiki page match those we are using in Whonix ™ source code. This ensures that no settings have been forgotten. If interested, click on Expand on the right.

In Whonix ™ source code, examine build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm for the functions general_setup and workstation_specific. Apply any missing settings from build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm. It is also sensible to drop the "sudo -u $USERNAME" setting.

The following settings are not required. They are either recommended earlier on, or done by the gui creation process:

  • --name
  • storagectl
  • storageattach
  • --memory
  • --pae
  • --intnet1
  • --cableconnected
  • --macaddress1
  • --audiocontroller
  • --audio
  • --rtcuseutc

Whonix-Workstation ™ Specific[edit]

Nothing to do yet.

Whonix-Gateway ™[edit]


This is the easiest, but least secure option. (#more security)

For Qubes-Whonix ™, click on Expand on the right.

1. Create a new VM.

2. Set sys-whonix as your VM's NetVM.

Qube Managerright-click vm-nameNetVMsys-whonixOK [9]

For Non-Qubes-Whonix ™, click on Expand on the right.

Download and Use the Default Whonix-Gateway ™

Download and import the Whonix-Gateway ™ using the same procedure as per the Whonix ™-Default / Download-Version. No other Whonix-Gateway ™ changes are required in this case!

Set up a Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™

There are currently two ways to set up a Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™. Either:

  1. Manually create a VirtualBox VM (established, old method).
  2. Download and import a Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ (stable method).

Users who want to manually create a VirtualBox VM using the established and old method, click on Expand on the right.

1. Create a VirtualBox VM

Follow these steps in order:

VirtualBoxMachineNewNextEnter Name (for example, myVM)Enter Operating System and VersionNextDefine RAMNextCreate a new HDD (or not)NextDisk format doesn't matter (VDI works well)NextSet dynamically or fixed size preferenceNextSet HDD size and location preferenceNextCreate

2. Switch VirtualBox VM Settings

Follow these steps in order:

  • Choose the newly created VM (for example, myVM)SettingsSystemMotherboardHardware Clock in UTC
  • SystemMotherboardPointing DevicePS/2 Mouse (required to disable the USB controller)
  • SystemProcessorEnable PAE/NX (if available)
  • NetworkAdapter 1Attached to Internal Network (important!)
  • NetworkAdapter 1Name (of Internal Network) (important!): Whonix [10]
  • USBUncheck Enable USB controller
  • OK

Users who want to download and import a Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template using the stable method, click on Expand on the right.

This method's advantage is that there is need to manually create a new VM. The process is greatly simplified; the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ only needs to be downloaded and imported. This approach has several benefits: it is easier, all security settings are set for the VM, and users don't have to remember and apply necessary settings.

The latest Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ Version is:

Although the version number for Whonix-Gateway ™ and Whonix ™-Default / Download-Version might be far higher than the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ version, this is normal. [11]

1. Download the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™

Download the following image.


2. Download the OpenPGP Signature

Download the corresponding OpenPGP signature.


3. Verify the Whonix Image

Follow these steps to verify the Whonix image.

4. Import and Rename the Virtual Machine

After importing the image, rename the virtual machine to something else. [12] VirtualBoxRight-click on VMSettingsName (for example: myVM)

If this method was used, please report how well it worked in the Whonix forum.

Start VM and Install Operating System

  1. Start the newly created VM (for example: myVM).
  2. Insert the installation DVD.
  3. Updates don't have to installed while installing the OS. Post-install, apply updates after the network has been set up.
  4. The username is: user. The computer name is: host

Network → Adapter 1 → NAT

Network → Adapter 2 → attached to Internal Network (Important!)

Network → Adapter 2 → Name (of Internal Network) (Important!): Whonix

→ OK

More Security[edit]


Combine the information from this chapter to the Easy chapter.

Qubes-Whonix ™ users can skip this.

For Non-Qubes-Whonix ™, click on Expand on the right.

If the Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template was downloaded and imported, this section can be skipped. [13]

If a VirtualBox VM was manually created, click on Expand on the right.

Find out the name of the VM you are using.

vboxmanage list vms

Apply these settings. [14]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --synthcpu on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --acpi on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --ioapic on
VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --rtcuseutc on
VBoxManage setextradata "yourvmname" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" "1"

Disable clipboard sharing. [15]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --clipboard disabled

Disable Drag'n'Drop support. [16]

VBoxManage modifyvm "yourvmname" --draganddrop disabled

Assistance is welcome in verifying that the settings on this wiki page match those we are using in Whonix ™ source code. This ensures that no settings have been forgotten. If interested, click on Expand on the right.

In Whonix ™ source code, examine build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm for the functions general_setup and workstation_specific. Apply any missing settings from build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm. It is also sensible to drop the "sudo -u $USERNAME" setting.

The following settings are not required. They are either recommended earlier on, or done by the gui creation process:

  • --name
  • storagectl
  • storageattach
  • --memory
  • --pae
  • --intnet1
  • --cableconnected
  • --macaddress1
  • --audiocontroller
  • --audio
  • --rtcuseutc

Whonix-Gateway ™ Specific[edit]

Combine the information from this chapter to the Easy and the General chapter

VBoxManage modifyvm "$VMNAME" --natdnsproxy1 on
VBoxManage modifyvm "$VMNAME" --natdnshostresolver1 on
VBoxManage modifyvm "$VMNAME" --natdnspassdomain1 off


  1. The Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template already comes with these settings by default.
  2. For further reading on why these settings are beneficial, see build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm in the Whonix ™ source code folder.
  3. This is a precautionary measure.
  4. This is a precautionary measure.
  5. The Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template already comes with these settings by default.
  6. For further reading on why these settings are beneficial, see build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm in the Whonix ™ source code folder.
  7. This is a precautionary measure.
  8. This is a precautionary measure.
  9. qubes-prefs --set vm-name netvm sys-whonix

  10. Note: It is Whonix, not whonix. Capital W case sensitivity matters.
  11. A newer Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ only needs to be redistributed if the settings for the VM have changed. For example, these have not changed between Whonix 9 and Whonix 13. Therefore, Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ version is recent enough to function, because it comes with an empty virtual hard drive (meaning software cannot be outdated).
  12. It is not strictly necessary to rename the VM at this point, but this prevents potential naming conflicts if another Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ is imported later on.
  13. The Whonix-Custom-Workstation ™ template already comes with these settings by default.
  14. For further reading on why these settings are beneficial, see build-steps.d/2500_create-vbox-vm in the Whonix ™ source code folder.
  15. This is a precautionary measure.
  16. This is a precautionary measure.

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