
Using Tor Browser in Qubes-Whonix ™

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Tor Browser Icon

Start Tor Browser[edit]

Qubes Start MenuWhonix-Workstation ™ AppVM (commonly called anon-whonix)Tor Browser

Update Tor Browser[edit]

Ambox warning pn.svg.png Do not run Tor Browser in a Template (whonix-ws-16) or Disposable Template (whonix-ws-16-dvm)!

Unfortunately, updating Tor Browser is more complex than regular system updates due to technical limitations outside of Whonix's control. [1] Apply the following instructions to keep Tor Browser up-to-date at all times.

New App Qubes and Disposables[edit]

In Qubes-Whonix ™, Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™ (update-torbrowser) automatically runs when the Whonix-Workstation ™ Template (whonix-ws-16) package tb-updater is updated. Therefore, running Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™ inside the Template (whonix-ws-16) ensures that new App Qubes and Disposables are created with a copy of the latest Tor Browser version.

If the Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™ package tb-updater has not been updated yet, it is advised to manually run it in the Whonix-Workstation ™ Template (whonix-ws-16). For instructions, see Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™.

Disposable Template[edit]

Ambox warning pn.svg.png Do not run Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™ inside the Disposable Template (whonix-ws-16-dvm)! It should only be run in the Template (whonix-ws-16) or in a whonix-ws-16-based App Qube (anon-whonix). [2] [3]

For further information on installing, updating and using Tor Browser in Qubes Disposables, see: How to use Disposables in Qubes-Whonix ™.

Existing App Qubes[edit]

Follow these steps to update Tor Browser in an existing Whonix-Workstation ™ App Qube such as anon-whonix:

  1. Start Tor Browser: Qubes Start MenuWhonix-Workstation ™ App Qube (commonly called anon-whonix)Tor Browser
  2. Use Tor Browser Internal Updater.


Tor Browser Downloader (by Whonix ™ developers):

Tor Browser Downloader (by Whonix ™ developers) is useful to run in:

  • Whonix-Workstation ™ Template (whonix-ws-16): to ensure that new App Qubes and Disposables are created with a copy of the latest Tor Browser version.
  • Whonix-Workstation ™ App Qube (anon-whonix): to re-install the latest Tor Browser version in existing Whonix-Workstation ™ App Qubes.

Tor Browser Downloader (by Whonix ™ developers) less useful to run in:

  • Disposables: because upgrades won't persist

Tor Browser Downloader (by Whonix ™ developers) should not be run in:

  • Disposable Template (whonix-ws-16-dvm)

Tor Browser:

Tor Browser is useful to run in:

  • Whonix-Workstation ™ App Qube (anon-whonix)
  • Dispoables

Tor Browser should not be run in:

  • Whonix-Workstation ™ Template (whonix-ws-16)
  • Disposable Template (whonix-ws-16-dvm)

See Also[edit]

Footnotes / References[edit]

  1. Tor Browser Update: Technical Details
  2. It is possible to run Tor Browser Downloader by Whonix ™ inside a Disposable as well -- probably easiest using Tor Browser Internal Updater -- and then restart Tor Browser. However, these updates will not persist due to the Disposable design.
  3. See tb-updater in Qubes Template for technical details.

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