CMSIS-Zone (Preview)  Version 0.0.1
System Resource Management
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/block element

The block element is used to subdived a physical memory region into segregated logical blocks.


<!-- 512KB SRAM integrated on the SoC -->
<region name="SRAM" size="0x80000" access="rwx" info="Internal SRAM (512KB)">
<block name="SHARED" offset="0x00000" size="0x08000" access="rwu" info="Shared memory area for inter process communication."/>

Schema Description

Parent Element Element Chain
region /region element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name this memory block can be referenced by. Must be unique within a single device. xs:string required
size The physical memory size this block allocates. xs:string required
access The access attributes for this memory block. xs:string optional
info Brief description of the memory block. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/block element Memory block definitions. complexType 0..*