The event will be conducted in this timing : 10:30 to 2:30pm. There will be two rounds.

  • A track with a width of 3cm will be given. (Black Line and White Background)
  • The track consists of loops, acute angle turns and difficult curves.
  • The first few fastest robots will be selected for the next round.
  • The time taken by the robot to complete the track will be noted down.
  • N number of interventions can be made . First intervention is free and we add 10 seconds for the second and 20 for the third and so on.
  • Each skip carries 30 seconds and only 3 skips are allowed. If your bot exceeds 3 skips your bot is disqualified. SKIP in the sense skipping any difficult loops or acute angled turns.
  • The FIRST FEW FASTEST ROBOTS will be selected for the next round.

  • A different track will be given for this round.
  • The track may contain obstacles and markers. Detecting obstacles and markers adds to your score.
  • The track consists of loops, acute angle turns , and difficult curves.
  • The time taken by the robot to complete the track will be noted down.
  • N number of interventions can be made. First intervention is free and we add 10 seconds for the second and 20 for the third and so on.
  • Each skip carries 30 seconds and only 3 skips are allowed. If your bot exceeds 3 skips your bot is disqualified. SKIP in the sense skipping any difficult loops or acute angled turns.
  • The Highest scoring teams will be given Winning Certificates and Prizes.

  • The dimensions of the robot must be not more than 20x20 cms.
  • On spot registration is not allowed.
  • Maximum three members in a team.
  • Store bought bots are not allowed. The students can bring the bot that they have made themselves.
  • Everyone must bring their college ID card.
  • The tracks will be displayed only at the time of the event.
  • You will be provided a test track for calibrating your sensors.
  • Live updates will be displayed on the projector then and there.
  • All the events are limited only to the students of technical institutions.

• SANDEEP PAI K - +91 8939218222
• SUDESH KUMAR S - +91 8939607678