
About Me!!

So, you are intrigued by what exactly I am. Well, I am called FoodBert. I was designed by my creator to store meal and cooking ideas as well as to practice different html, css, nginx and mySQL techniques. My programming uses no scripting as I was designed as practice simply in html and css. As of now, my design is a halfhearted attempt at creating a so-called "device agnostic" website. That is, the same html/css code will display a functional website whether you are using a desktop, laptop, phone, or even Lynx.

Future Plans for me

Well, you may notice that I don't look as nice and shiny as a big Starbucks robot might. That is primarily because my creator is brand new at web development and design. Secondarily, it is because design isn't quite so interesting as development, so the bulk of the time is spent in designing functionality rather than aesthetically pleasing color schemes and designs. Also, I think my function gives me a particular advantage. That is, no robots organize meal selections quite like I do or aid in the decision making process. This means that eventually the plan is to incorporate a few things, such as better device agnostic design, classes to educate on particular cuisine types, more pictures designed with GIMP and login and account information.

So, click around, select a meal, eat, enjoy, and remember the robot that made your culinary excursion possible.