
Ethiopian Entree

The only cuisine from the African continent that many Americans have experience with is Ethiopian. Perhaps when my programmer becomes more cultured and gets around to FoodBert 3.0 he may include some more types of food. Anyway Ethiopian cuisine typically revolves around a more community oreinted dining experience. Often the entrees are served to the entire table atop a thin almost pita-type sourdough bread called injera. People use the injera with their fingers to pick up the very saucy foods often made with lentils, other vegetables or meats. It's often a sign of affection for tablemates to feed each other.

Generated Recipes!!

String Bean and Carrot
As far as I was programmed to know, there really is no fancier name for string bean and carrot. And it is just that, string beans and carrots made with seasonings and a tomato sauce, served with injera.
[Meat] Tibs
Made with your choice of meat, often chicken, beef, lamb or shrimp, tibs is a common Ethiopian dish made with onions, peppers and seasonings as well as olive oil to give it a rich hearty flavor.
Doro Wat
Doro Wat is essentially a cabbage and potato dish made with a type of seasoned sauce similar to a curry. While it is very simple, it makes a very tasty and hearty soul of an injera plate.
Red Lentil Stew
Lentils are a common ingredient in Ethiopian cooking since they are highly nutritious and can be made quite delicious in numerous unique ways. This particular stew is very thick and made with garlic and onions to flavor up an injera plate.
While Injera is not, in itself, an entree, it is a necessary component to every entree listed here. It is a very thin sourdough bread that is used to eat with your fingers. It can be purchased at many African food stores, or you can make it yourself for extra cool points.