
Indian Entrees

Of course Indian cuisine is vast and heterogenious, but for the purposes of my programming, it is going to be loosely categorized into 'north' and 'south' style Indian food. Northern style foods are more likely to feature meat (although most Indian food features vegetarian dishes) and are dryer. Southern dishes tend to creamier and are more likely to be vegetarian. Incidentally, most people have heard of "Indian Curry" but "curry" as such does not denote any particular one recipe. essentially just means "sauce with heavy seasonings."

Generated Recipes!!

Biryani is a northern dish that is essentially like a curry style fried rice. It is extremely customizeable with your choice of ingredients and can be made to be vegetarian if you wish.
Vegetable Korma
Vegetable Korma is a classic vegetarian southern style dish. The sauce is what is often identified as a "curry" with a yogurt base and indian seasonings.
Saag Dal
Saag Dal is essentially an Indian version of creamed spinach. It is made with fresh spinach and a seasoned cream sauce and can be made with mix ins including mushroom, or chickpeas.