
Russian Entrees

Russian food tends to be the ultimate comfort food. The heavy use of potatoes, cabbage, sour cream, and fatty meats makes for a perfect relaxing evening at home. My filter may be malfunctioning slightly, so there is a chance a couple Polish dishes and even a German one may slip in here.

Generated Recipes!!

Golutzbi (Cabbage Rolls)
Golutzby is a traditional dish which is essentially beef, rice seasonings and onions wrapped in cabbage leaves and cooked in a tomato sauce. It doesn't get much more delicious.
Beef Stroganoff
This noodle dish is very hearty made with a thick cream of mushroom sauce and ground beef mixed with thick egg noodles.
If you ask many people what Russian dish they can name, most people will say borscht. There are many ways to make it, but most commonly it is with a beef broth and beet base. It's almost like Russian style Gumbo