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Message ID: 10344
Date: Fri Nov 19 14:26:21 GMT 1999
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: RE: OT: Feign Death nerf (long)

> EQ has definately fallen into the trap of raising the bar - once you start
> this, you start catering to the powergamers and cutting out newbies and
> your whole non-powergaming audience.
> Wanna add new tougher areas - fine....but unless something is SOOO broken
> there is no other way - don't go 'fixin' it.
> Don't go making what used to be newbie areas 40plus areas - especially ones
> that newbies pretty much HAVE to go thru. Don't go making changes based on
> server demographics on older servers just cause X% is above X level now.

This is something neither you nor I can control. It is inevitable
that the server population will on average be higher level than it
was the day before. Verant changing zones that used to at one time
be safe, and now are dangerous for even L50 people is risky I will
admit. But all you people who complain about Kithicor, need only
have to wait until 7am in the morning when all the undead go away
to make a crossing. It's a matter of patience. Could they have
picked a different zone to screw with? Sure. But the average number
of players in Kith at any given time was like 4, now it's always
populated with at least 10 - 15 people. And so will Paw become.

Players who are newbies don't have the items to make witty attacks
on mobs. I am talking about the upper level people advancing on a
high level mob. Feign Death is part of that example where they
could have modified the monster's intelligence and not the player's
ability. That point got washed away in your response. I'm
level 40+ now, does that make me a powergamer? Innoruuk server is
pumping out L50s like there is no tomorrow. 90 people in lguk,
70 people in solb, I mean jeez.... Last time I was in North Qeynos
the snakes took over. I saw a few L5 people and that was it.

Verant will raise the bar, that cannot be stopped. They have to.
There is a much more mature player base now. However, I would
like them to evaluate the impact more than they have in the past.
Kithicor Woods was probably a dumb move. Infected Splitpaw will
be an excellent move. You know, I love Everfrost. It's one zone,
divided into like three level areas of difficulty. I wouldn't
mind seeing zones get virtually divided this way more often.

It's ODD I cannot 'get over' the USE of 'ticks' and CAPITALIZATION.
Emphasizing is a great way to make certain points hit home, overdoing
it makes me, for one, feel like you are YELLING and FRUSTRATED. It's
like it's my fault Verant is upgrading, so you take it out on me.
<sniff> Hell, you didn't even sign your name, hehe.
