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Message ID: 13257
Date: Wed Jan 19 00:46:50 GMT 2000
Author: Beatdrop Battledrum
Subject: Re: Cazic Exploit and exploit posts

>Oh, let's be a little more exact in your re-telling please. An OOC
>comment was made as follows: "I never thought I'd read about a exploit
>on eqbards and see it being used in-game by a bard on that list". Three
>members of your group replied they were not using any exploit, but you
>were, since I am familiar with the exploit, and you WERE using it. How
>do I know? I made the OOC comment, I was on another character. I never
>sent you any tell, and never said you would be banned, as that is not in

Were you the ogre or the enchanter? An enchanter sent me the /tell. How are you so sure I was exploiting? Our group of 4 noticed the pathing bug but did NOT know/figure out how to exploit. We DID consider it an annoyance and were running to the mobs to kill them until I found out that I could charm them into following me.

>my power to do so. A member of your party commented "exploits are part
>of the game" to which I replied "and it is a part of the game, that when

This was not a member of my party that said this.

>used, is bannable without warning". This has been stated by Karana's
>GM-Lead (Mennix) over server broadcast before, you may ask him how he
>feels about people using the cazic temple pathing exploit to verify this
>should you feel like it.
>I wouldn't want you to feel you didn't have a face for your accuser,
>which is me. I don't know whether you read this list before using the
>exploit at the Cazic temple or not, it doesn't change the fact your
>group was using the exploit, and had been doing so for quite awhile
>before I commented on it. Had you truely been naive to what you were
>doing, I suspect any ooc comment from your group would have been along
>the lines of "where?" not "no we aren't!" as was the case with groups in
>other areas of the dungeon.

Like I said, I received a /tell and heard my name in OOC. I appreciated the warning even though I was completely clueless to any exploits at the time. I am not upset at what went on. My main point of this post was to state that I don't think exploits are appropriate for this list since I DO NOT use them or care to know about them. I don't want to drag John into this, but our guild does not cheat/exploit and he would tell you that. If I had, I would no longer be a member of Platinum Sphere considering the entire group was made up of guild members including our leaders secondary.

I am sorry if I sounded rude at the time of the incident or in my original post.

~Beatdrop Battledrum <Platinum Sphere>
Child of Erollisi Marr
Karana Server