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Message ID: 13893
Date: Thu Jan 27 22:40:49 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: My overcrowding solutuion

Lot of good stuff is getting said in this thread. Does anyone want to edit
it all and come up with a condensed version we can post on the official EQ
board? Hit the key topics and list pros/cons etc. Title would be something
like "How to Implement a Dungeon Crawl in EQ" or "Dungeon Crawls vs
Camping". Would be interesting to see if Verant gave us their opinion on

Galtin of E'ci

> Yes, I thought of that too and it is a problem every time they set up a
> zone
> for lower levels. There will be a group of lvl 50's that will rage thru
> killing everything just to see what items are dropped even though they
> probably won't want any of them. Just use a little reverse planar logic
> and
> code the zone to not allow in players of over X level where X is 12 levels
> above the mean mob level. That would let them create a dungeon for level
> 25
> mean that would restrict flow of items out due to players of a level that
> wouldn't get xp anyhow running in to farm stuff.
> Kit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Illian [mailto:jeff@...]
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 3:05 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] My overcrowding solutuion
> From: "Jeff Illian" <jeff@...>
> Ok, maybe I'm just cynical, but wouldn't this degenerate? I imagine a
> level
> 50 in a level 30 dungeon like Sol A running around killing everything that
> moves. There is an advantage to camping a spawn area for those of us who
> are interested in XP as much if not more the items... you don't have to
> share the mobs with other groups. For me, dungeons have always been the
> best place to get XP, not items. Ever try Sol B on a crowded night? Try
> sitting in the noble room when there is a group in the circle room, pool
> room and kings room. See how many spawns you get. Not many. Now imagine
> a
> dungeon where the good spawns can be anywhere or there are multiples...
> suddenly all those groups camping a particular area are suddenly running
> around and taking any spawns anywhere rather then sticking to there own
> marked off area.
> Also, even worse, imagine if the Goblin King in Sol A could happen to
> spawn
> anywhere... what would those level 25's do who are fighting Cinders and
> Youngs when the King suddenly spawns and bum rushes them. The rare spawns
> are deep in the dungeon on purpose...
> Granted, the way they set up Paw is kind of nice since there are no named
> spawns and you seem to have an equal chance of getting a drop whether or
> not
> you are at the entrance or deep inside... but man the magic items dropped
> there just plain suck.
> Personally I kinda like the way AC handles it by restricting dungeons to
> certain levels and having a lot more dungeons... if you aren't in a level
> range you cannot enter. I'd also like to see all really really good items
> taken out of the rare spawns hands and moved to time consuming lengthy
> quests. I think what they did with Lambent, Crafted, etc as a replacement
> for Rubicite worked pretty darn well. Granted there is still camping for
> Lambent items for example, but it is restricted to a single class fighting
> RANDOM spawns for a single item... Rather then having to go and kill some
> named spawn to get an item, I'd like to see it that I have to kill a level
> 30 goblin mage to get boots, then a level 30 cyclops to get a rune and
> finally a giant or griffon to get a lambent stone is a much better
> approach
> then a single level 30 rare spawn. Imagine instead if I had to kill a 4
> different level 50 mobs in 4 different dungeons or settings to get a YK
> and
> it was usable by bards only and every other class had there own level 50
> mobs that they needed to kill to get their own class specific weapons...
> How often do you see non-bards camping for firewalker boots?
> >
> > > I was thinking of the KS'ing crowd, though indirectly. A druid or
> other
> > > tracker could just sit by while people wandered about killing stuff
> and
> when
> > > the single named mob showed up race to it and have a fair chance of
> getting
> > > there first as the people who cleared the way for it have moved on to
> other
> > > areas and are likely in a fight when the special spawns. If there are
> > > twelve different specials it would make it that much harder for the
> "tracker
> > > in the shadows" to just rush over and nab the special when it popped
> up
> as
> > > likely several specials would be popping up at any given time if the
> place
> > > has a fair amount of explorers in it. Since the container guy doesn't
> move,
> >
> > Yes, having 12 different specials would make it 12x harder
> > (assuming no change in rare spawn frequency) for a kill
> > stealer to get the special item. It also makes it 12x harder
> > for the group to get the special item. They cancel out.
> > Well, maybe the group gets to see who the kill stealer(s) is
> > before they lose the item.
> >
> > Anyways, that was why I said maybe the named mob should just
> > drop on top of your while you are fighting. It doesn't reward
> > the parasitic opportunists that way.
> >
> > Speaking of mobs dropping on top of you... My paladin friend
> > was soloing a bit in LGuk a couple nights ago. He was
> > fighting in the halls (dead side). He'd fight one mob, other
> > people's pulls would ignore him. I joined him. Other
> > people's pulls saw the bard singing a song, and decided they
> > hated the bard more than the person pulling them. Bleh. I'd
> > just assumed all this time that mobs other people were pulling
> > would attack you if they saw you fighting another mob (the
> > "help a friend" AI). I didn't realize it only happened to
> > bards.
> >
> > --