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Message ID: 13894
Date: Thu Jan 27 22:42:59 GMT 2000
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: Play Time? (long)

> I too wonder about folks that break their neck to hit 50. It's pretty
> predictible once you hit 50 in this world you are 'done' - why are folks so
> very determined to 'finish' then get upset there is nothin new?

The world doesn't end at 50. That's for sure. If you are playing
this game with your end result being that L50 is when you are done
and it's time to give up, then you are missing the better half of
the entire thing. Verant has restricted 3 zones with level limits
of 46, even if you go in there at 50, you are nothing on your own.

The strongest L50 player cannot solo one single mob in any of the
planes. There is plenty to once you make L50, there's no end in
sight for me. It's just too damn crowded, and when it's not too
crowded there's a reason, it's too damn hard. It's not like I
can pickup 4 or 5 people and hit the planes, we'd be massacred.
There's really no where to go with other L50 people on a regular
basis to get exp and have fun that doesn't take a week to organize.

If you aren't near level 50, I wouldn't expect to have any plane
action or any of the vastly superior equipment this game has to
offer. I like finding and earning new things in the Planes, it's
like a cracker jack box with a random prize. I'm not just happy
for myself, I'm happy for others when they earn something or do
something extraordinary. That's what it is to be L50.

If I wanna chat or roleplay and enjoy the friends I have I usually
sign on my other toon for adventures and action. There's nothing
really left for a L50 on the weekdays. Helping people gets really
boring after a while, as does camping anything, so I end up running
around doing errands.

At L50 (not max exp bar, since the new patch) you can:

* earn back a full bar of exp, as there are usually some uncamped
places on the server for exp. solb/sola bug zoneline and stone
room or kludge keep (heh) for example.

* twink your buds.

* camp for items that you maybe need or dont need.

* go on guild events that usually end up in you dying for nothing.
(ie the efreeti)

* sit around and chat it up or help lower levels.

* practice skills, crafts.

* try to organize a plane trip on a weekday.

... the list goes on...

There is plenty to do, it's just once you've done all that you want
a change of pace. Verant is not offering an easy change of pace.
L50 has its perks, and it's definitely not the end of the game, but
they need to stop concentrating on low/mid level zones and start
thinking about all these people who are now L35+ and crowding the
server. Eventually, the server will become top heavy.

I'm sorry if you L1 - L35 people are offended by all this talk.
I had a great time up to L35, there was nothing wrong with the
game then, and there's nothing wrong with it now. Permafrost
is *still* empty each night, so is Sola. Unrest is no more crowded
than it was when I was little, same with highkeep. The game is
fine for lower level people. It's not fine for higher level people.
We need about 3-4 more zones just for higher level people.

A big problem I noticed that is L25-L30 people popping into lguk
and solb, and hogging space that a higher level person should
be utilizing. Those people below L35 have plenty of outlets
for experience, instead the come to solb/lguk because that's
where everyone is. To those people, I wish they would go to
Paw or hunt in Rathe Mountains.

The new zones I suggested should be level capped at L40+ to enter,
anyone lower than that is simply not allowed in. It's not fair,
I know -- but that's too bad, 80% of the rest of the world has
easy exp for you.

Most people don't realize I don't get exp from 90% of the kobolds
in solb, and I'd say 75% of the frogs in lguk no longer give exp.
But there is a group of L39s barely, and I mean barely holding the
bat room in solb, who simply refuse to let L50s in because they
are too high, and will 'steal' too much exp.

Verant needs to start looking into the future. The expansion
will offer no great significance to me, I am thinking. 4 or 5
more newbie zones offer me nothing. 4 or 5 midlevel zones
offer me nothing. And then maybe another solb/lguk spinoff in
the expansion will not suffice the populace as it is growing.
What happens when the cap is raised? Where will we fight for
exp then? The bugs/bats in solb are L37-L42, nox is L45. Heh,
that will last us until what... L56??? bah...

People all the time tell me to play another class, start over,
do different things. It never once crossed their mind that
I _like_ my bard. I like to play him, I cannot stand other
class' playability. I don't want to play the new lizard race,
I tell people, read my lips: "i l i k e m y b a r d" ;)
Ahh, but people still don't get it. Working up to L50 was a
challenge, and now I want greater challenges than mobs that
can hit for 1000+ dmg a round... gimme a break. I wish Verant
would stop upping the numbers, and start making different, more
complex zones for us people who have worked our way to the top.

Verant told us in beta that it would take about a year to make
L50..... In less than two months, technically, their year is up.
I want to see some results, they owe us results.
