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Message ID: 13935
Date: Fri Jan 28 15:30:50 GMT 2000
Author: Daniel P. Sniderman
Subject: Re: Play Time? (long)

I'm surprised no on has responded to this. As much as I agree with 99 pct
of what Harmonic posts; and I agree with much of the post - on some points
he's off base here. Perhaps what you say is true on your server (not sure
what that is) - but it just isn't true on Xegony. Perhaps it's only
slightly inaccurate; in that my perspective is that of 33 Bard (perhaps the
number 35 is high - but I know people in my guild in the late 20's aren't
having it that great either)

The overcrowding problem is a very serious one at my level. Perhaps it is
much WORSE for higher levels - but it's a fallacy to state that because my
problem is worse - you don't have a problem...

Comments below

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Honeyman" <honeyman@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Play Time? (long)

> From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>

> crowded there's a reason, it's too damn hard. It's not like I
> can pickup 4 or 5 people and hit the planes, we'd be massacred.
> There's really no where to go with other L50 people on a regular
> basis to get exp and have fun that doesn't take a week to organize.

I agree with all of this and the rest of the comments about what a 50 CAN do
that I'm snipping

Here's where I find points to disagree with

> I'm sorry if you L1 - L35 people are offended by all this talk.

No offense, disagreement...

> I had a great time up to L35, there was nothing wrong with the
> game then, and there's nothing wrong with it now. Permafrost
> is *still* empty each night, >

Permafrost takes a significant amount of time to get to. That's the primary
reason it's underutilized. However - you could argue - and you'd be correct
that it's just laziness; especially for a group with a bard with selo's.
However - as you pointed out - you don't always have time to organize a big
event - sometimes we're on for only 45 or 60 or 90 minutes - and the
overhead time of organizing a group and travelling to get to Perma can be
25-50 pct of that time period before you get there and in the spot you want
to hunt/camp.

>so is Sola. Unrest is no more crowded
> than it was when I was little, same with highkeep.

On Xegony you're quite wrong here. Most of the times I've gone to Sola -
it's been completely packed. Every good spawn point taken. I couldn't get
into a group... Incidents of groups fighting over the spots. Even with that
as a given; I have a few guild members - good players not dummies - who are
gun-shy of going there due to 4+ hour corpse retreival. I try to point
out - "now that you know you're unlikley to make the same mistake" but they
don't listen.

Perhaps I don't understand your point on Unrest and Highkeep; But it sounds
to me you are saying it's not a problem because it was always a problem. On
Xegony at least - those zones are always beyond completely packed. When I
was in my mid 20's - I recall waiting for 45+ for a group in Highkeep. Same
with Unrest. I've seen 90-100 there on many occaisions.

>The game is
> fine for lower level people.

Xegony with 2200+ ppl a night is not by any possible legitimate standard
"fine" for lower level people. Fennin and Karana are worse. There are
serveral other servers that routinely have over 2000+

>It's not fine for higher level people.
> We need about 3-4 more zones just for higher level people.
I won't dispute that.

> A big problem I noticed that is L25-L30 people popping into lguk
> and solb, and hogging space that a higher level person should
> be utilizing.

I also won't dispute that.

>Those people below L35 have plenty of outlets
> for experience, instead the come to solb/lguk because that's
> where everyone is. To those people, I wish they would go to
> Paw or hunt in Rathe Mountains.

For the most part you're right about Paw - but when the server is totally
packed (Sunday nights and other extremely popular times) it's been
completely backed on Xegony as well. The other problem with Paw is that
sometimes it's TOO empty and dangerous to try to be the group that breaks
in. It again becomes the issue you talked about for planes where you need
to organize several groups...

Rathe can be a joke at times. I've been spending a lot of time there lately
and sometimes it's great. Other times - it has been so overpacked it's not
funny. Spent a 45 minute period where with a full group averaged at 34 and
we saw two, count 'em, two Hill Giants. Two pullers out and constants
"There's one - no someone else got it"

> The new zones I suggested should be level capped at L40+ to enter,
> anyone lower than that is simply not allowed in. It's not fair,
> I know -- but that's too bad, 80% of the rest of the world has
> easy exp for you.

I agree with everything until the last half of that second sentence. It
ain't easy if we spend the majority of our time waiting for spawn because
there are just too damned many people on the friggin server!

There is absolutely a need for the higher level zones - and for those zones
let's keep them for the people they are designed for - but also we need to
get the older servers less crowded.

> Most people don't realize I don't get exp from 90% of the kobolds
> in solb, and I'd say 75% of the frogs in lguk no longer give exp.
> But there is a group of L39s barely, and I mean barely holding the
> bat room in solb, who simply refuse to let L50s in because they
> are too high, and will 'steal' too much exp.

Well - a lot of the bad blood between people at my level group and the 50's
is caused by some arrogant 50's - who are probably a minority of people at
that level. They act like that they own the game and we have to bend at
their will. Case in point - I was with a group in the temple at Cazic
Thule. The area was completely spawned - and we had a really good group
that slowly and systematically was clearing our way to the top. Just as we
cleared the last mob before we get to the top - two 50's (one was a Druid I
forget the other) run right past us and claim the top and start blasting
away at 4 mobs at the enterence. They get into a big arguement with others
in my group (I keep my mouth shut in these cases) and basically laugh at us
and tell us to get lost - tough luck...

We all have experienced this - and some feel that turnabout is fair play.
Other less blatant cases is having full parties have to share spawn with a
solo 50 camping for an item they want to tweak another character. Is it
fair for a group of 6 to get 50 pct of the spawn vs an individual getting
the other 50?

> Verant needs to start looking into the future. The expansion
> will offer no great significance to me, I am thinking. 4 or 5

Anyway - in summary - just because there are plenty of places to hunt; and
better and simpler and easier to implement solutions than adding new zones;
there IS a serious overcrowding problem on my server. It needs to be

Splitting existing servers is probably the best and easiest solution. Let's
get it done!

Slyde 33 of Xegony.

PS Made a good amount of experience last night in Rathe Mounting at the Ogre
camp- but only because I logged on at 12:30 AM and stayed to 2:45 AM..
Little chance I could have camped that if I had logged on at 8:00 PM