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Message ID: 15195
Date: Mon Feb 21 05:03:05 GMT 2000
Author: Tim Burke
Subject: Re: Re: Welp... it was me :)

> > priority should be to complete a class before offering more spells and
> > weapons to others classes - and yes that means even the FA to paladins.
> Everyone has their own priorities. Why should your priorities be any more
> important than someone else's priorities?
> Paladins are supposed to be able to wield the mightiest holy swords in the
> game, including the Fiery Avenger. Brad loved to show off the FA in the
> Beta, telling everyone how it was the "most powerful sword in the game"
> it was Paladin only. Imagine if you were a Paladin. You chose to be a
> Paladin because you wanted to quest for the FA. Wouldn't you feel your
> class was incomplete if the FA didn't exist?

NO... I would feel the CLASS was complete... I would feel the QUEST for the
FA was NOT complete. It would be one of the many promises that went
undelivered by Verant. The FA quest would be just like many of the other
quests in the game right now - broken.

Anyway, maybe if Verant would have implemented the FA instead of one of 3-4
other paladin only weapons, then they would have had time to actually
correct the bard-only plane weapons. Instead we are stuck with three
identical non-procing weapons. Or maybe Verant would have figured out why
NOBODY has been able to aquire a small brass trumpet or Kelin's practice
> Mages can summon a weapon every level. But Verant hasn't put the level 49
> summon in the game yet. Only recently was the lvl 44 Summon Weapon spell
> put into the game. Still no word on the 49th spell. Mages are also
> incomplete, according to your own definition.
Count the spells... a class that has over 120+ spells is missing 2...
that's very different than a class with 50 missing three. BIG DIFFERENCE!

Also, the two classes you mentioned have had what I would call significant
enhancements. Enhancements that noticabley changed the effectiveness of
their class, and addressed MAJOR concerns. I'll stand by the statement that
although the recent enhancements make some songs more useful, Verant has NOT
addressed the major concerns of bards.

> > The little things, like the enhancements that were implemented in the
> > last patch, didn't get mentioned the patch message? What was up
> > with the whole - it's in this patch, the next patch, coming soon,
> > responses... Again, it's a little thing, but it's about
> > getting the same attention paid to us as the other classes.
> Mages had pet healing spells added. or so the patch said. Some duplicate
> Enchanter spell appeared on the vendor instead. "Database entry error" we
> were told. Three patches and four weeks later, the spell is finally
Seems like mages were given an explanation, not one they wanted to hear, but
something. I don't recall anything communicated about the status of bard
enhancements and implementation.

> Shaman had Alchemy bugged for 8 months before Verant could be convinced it
> was broken.

You think after that Verant would learn from that mistake, and change the
way they do things. Instead the lullaby post floats out there unresponded
to for 3 weeks?
> Bards get about the same attention as every other class. There is no
> hatred of Bards at Verant, just as there is no special Bard Hate coded in
> the game.

No, I don't think we are treated the same as other classes. What I see is
happening is bard issues being glanced over and pushed to the side. I never
said there was bard hatred at Verant, just that bards are a low priority to
Verant. Bottom-line - everything can't be that "A-1" priority. What I
want to know is why bards aren't moved up that priority list more often?
> Your problem is that you are only looking at it from your tiny little Bard
> portal. There are hundreds of things broken or missing in EQ. Verant
> tries to fix them, but they do a very poor job. You seem to not care
> anything but fixing your Bard. Verant has to fix problems with every
> class. They can't stop everything just to fix Bards.
Well, let me state the obvious... like any EQ player, I feel good WHENEVER
a game improvemt is implemented - whether it's an enhancement for another
class or a quest fixed or a bug squashed. But yeah, your right... I have
one character that I play - a bard. I wouldn't want to play any other class
but a bard. So I see things from that perpective. I am not asking them to
stop fixing everything to "... just to fix bards", I am simply asking them
to fix bards.
> >
> > As far as the enhancements that went in on the last patch. The see
> > to clouding makes the song much more useful, and increased range on
> > selo's is great. But did they do anything earth-shattering... no. Did
> > they fix lullaby, increase dodge, implement parry, implement any mid-lvl
> > instruments - no. They increased the range of 4 songs. Now maybe some
> > of you can clue me in, but I have never actually used levitation for a
> > group, or actually used tarews as the way to keep the group breathing
> > under water. So unless I am missing something * a very likely
> > possibility :) *- those two "enhancements" aren't much of anything.
> Most bards complained that levitate and water breathing were useless in a
> group partly because of the range problem. Many Bards asked that the
> be increased. I believe there was a bard petition to increase the range.
> So they increased the range, and your not happy?
> I think this guy said it best...
> > > Abashi is absolutely right... They do get less rants when they nerf!

So, what does that mean? So they get less rants when they nerf - ok, good,
so what.
> It seems to me that Verant has very little resource maintaining EQ. Most
> everyone is working on the expansion or new projects. Only so much is
> going to get done on each patch. This sucks for us, and we can either
> complain loudly or find another game to play. But to insist that Verant
> stops everything until you get your three missing songs (which Verant
> promised would be in the expansion) is just selfish.
I am sure Verant and Sony are making A TON of money off this product, and
considering that, should be able to make more resources available for
product support. Again, your right - we can either complain louder or quit.
I enjoy the game the way it is, so I ain't quitting. But I am a paying
customer, so I will be complaining louder. Hopefully it makes a difference.
It is not being selfish to get what you paid for.

> Wayne
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