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Message ID: 4821
Date: Wed Aug 4 01:58:34 BST 1999
Author: Kyle
Subject: RE: HighKeep Advice Needed

comments embedded below.

Good Journey,

Sineras Silverlyre (Cazic-Thule)

8)-----Original Message-----
8)From: James Schuldes [mailto:jgs@...]
8)Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 10:46 AM
8)To: '_eqbards@onelist.com'
8)Subject: [eqbards] HighKeep Advice Needed
8)From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
8)My first night as level 20 and I went to HighHold Keep. Got
8)into a group
8)with others ranging to 27 with me the lowest most of the
8)time. There was an
8)enchanter with us for a while and most of the time we had 3
8)and 4 who could
8)tank and cast (Pallidins, Cleric, Warrior mid 20's all)
8)At any rate, the mobs (Pickclaws) were all red or deep red to
8)me with an
8)occasional yellow. I noticed that I could only do like 2 and
8)3 dmg to the
8)deep reds (with dragoon dirk and barbed leather whip) and so
8)I decided to
8)step back from the melee and equip the drum. I played
8)Anthem, Guardian and
8)tossed in Bellow when able. I was getting pretty good at
8)keeping the 2 buff
8)icons on the screen most of the time. I really wish Verant
8)would give us
8)bards an automatic "have a good exciting fight but kill the
8)monster and win"
8)key. That way I could get pizza and soda during long fights. <g>

Mmm.... pizza..... Talk about long fights, last night a spent a solid hour
and a half running aviaks in south karana. As I run along I would pass by
another that would tag along behind me. Had 8 trying to catch me at one
time. Had to eventually zone with a few cause nature called...

8)Ok, sorry - was just kidding. My questions are:
8)Should I have been using Chant instead of Anthem? I tried to
8)compare stats
8)one time and they looked real close. Chant with the drum and
8)Guardian with
8)the drum both are enhanced.

Generally you would want to use the Anthem. Even though it doesn't boost as
many stats it will increase the party's attack speed.

8)Looks like Anthem is not enhanced by an instrument - true or
8)false? (Ok, I
8)just checked myself and the chart says 'singing' so that
8)means no help from
8)any instruments.) I guess it's Anthem if you are in the
8)melee - otherwise
8)is Chant any better if you are drumming for other songs as well?

Yes, Anthem is singing only. And again I would play it over Chant
regardless if I was in the fray or not.

8)Is it a bad idea to use AE songs in High Keep? For example -
8)could I have
8)used Largo's to slow their attack speeds? Or would I have
8)met all kinds of
8)new monsters from Area Effects?

Can't comment on this one since each place has it's unique traits in terms
of layout. If you can fight in a room that is somewhat isolated and is not a
major thouroughfare then some AE songs could work. If anything I might try
Lullaby or Discord.

8)If a red mob resists the bellow - is it worth it to try again
8)or does one
8)resist mean that they will always resist? Does how badly
8)damaged the mob
8)matter? Say you see a resist in the top half of his health -
8)so wait til
8)he's under 50% hp before trying another?

Usually I try about 5 times. If it resists all of them then I just go with
buffing the party. As far as how badly damaged it is, I haven't seen
anything to indicate that.

8)It was the first (maybe second) time I was in a full party with higher
8)levels doing the tanking and we were fighting mobs that were
8)virtually all
8)red to me. Half the reds resisted my bellows consistently.
8)It didn't seem
8)like I was contributing much with pierce for 2 points of
8)damage and taking
8)the occasional hit for 32 points of damage. So, I stepped
8)back from the
8)melee and played some songs with instruments.

One other thing that is important to consider is that the 32 point it did
to you was 32 points less it did to your tanks. If one person takes all the
damage then the entire party is healing one point per tick. If the damage is
distributed evenly amongst 6 members then the party is healing 6 points per
tick. Multiply out at will if singing the Hymn.

8)Most of my experience has been with a partner and we both
8)gotta melle. Or
8)me as tank and 2 casters doing the nuking. Or full party's but more
8)co-level and all but the casters are in the melee because we
8)don't have
8)'real' tanks. So have some fighters with big swords was a new and
8)interesting experience. I spent the whole night in a room
8)full of reds when
8)I can't survive a camp of greens <g>

It's a rush, innit? =)

8)Sylly Songsynger
8)Bard of the 20th level
8)a.k.a. Robo-Bard
8)exploring the high country
8)somewhere on Innoruuk
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