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Message ID: 6415
Date: Mon Sep 13 18:28:51 BST 1999
Author: Mike Roach
Subject: RE: re: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy

Heh, chalk it up to Monday...sorry Katasi :-P

Yeah, and while I don't really care about the kiting debate as I have never
kited before and am not concerned about it...after experiencing the wondrous
awe of fear/chain I would HATE to lose it.

Its really not a good idea in dungeons and lots of mobs still randomly
resist chains so its not foolproof, but used as an emergency tactic to turn
the battle I think it is invaluable.

Not that I am saying I it will be taken away, but as we all know, stranger
things have happened ;-)

Glug-glug-glug. Faras takes a drink of Fish Wine.

- Faras

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kimes, Dean W. [mailto:Dean_Kimes@...]
> Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 12:29 PM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] re: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy
> From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
> Sorry, was commenting to the most recent post in the thread.
> I don't have a
> problem with it either, just wondered why anyone was
> questioning Fear/Chains
> valididty or calling it cheesy when its no different from
> Fear/Root which
> Enchanters can do at much lower level. I agree with you it
> seems perfectly
> valid to me.
> Kitasi