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Message ID: 6416
Date: Mon Sep 13 18:55:04 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Chain and Binding

Preliminary results:

I was in Highkeep warrior room in a party for first time (woo hoo!) -
between warriors who resisted 100% and only let me slash or pierce for max 5
or so dmg - I tried Largos on the guards that spawn (red to me but I could
make Largos stick) and am pretty sure that it was working better than chain.

For one - they resisted my chain but not my binds. Two, when under the
effect of song - they did not fight back as the party beat them down (at
least I did not see the "hits so and so for xx dmg and the animation seemed
to stop and most of all the party dint show hp loss.) I only did this for
about and hour or so - so it's a pretty weak sample. Need to really do it
more and pay better attention (log file and one of the analyzers too.)

As far as warrior room players go - we sucked pretty bad - cuz we were
chasin' up stairs fairly often - dint have a good snare/rooter in the party
(two bards 24 27, a caster 30, a warrior 35 and 2 paladins 28 34.) Our
levels ranged from me at 24 to 35 warrior & palladin. XP was good at first
but when the 2nd hi level joined us - it got pretty slow for me at least.
There seem to be a lot of factors in the old xp equation - number and level
of ppl in party as well as the relative con of the mobs.

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 24th song
Spirit of the Moon
<new member and _very_ proud of it!>

-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 1999 2:38 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Chain and Binding

From: <kim@...>

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> Given, that it has been observed that songs gain power as
you level past
> them. Do you think that using Largo's Binding will work
better than Chain
> on the stronger mobs u r fighting? Better for slowing
their attack speed I
> mean. Sometimes I have been using chain early on to get
the slower atck
> effect - but on them yeller and reds - I get loads of
resists - or sometimes
> no message at all? Plus - we all know that someone else
should be snaring it
> anywho. So think using the lower level song will be better
chance of working
> on the mobs?

My experience has been if there are two similar songs, one
area effect and one targeted, the area effect one is
or broken out of more frequently. This is true of CoD/DDD
Bellow/Curtailing, and Lullaby vs. Strike. I haven't used
Binding in a long time so feel free to test it for yourself.
Maybe you're onto something. :-)

John H. Kim

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