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Message ID: 6417
Date: Mon Sep 13 19:12:25 BST 1999
Author: John Robertson
Subject: Re: re: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy

"Kimes, Dean W." wrote:

> From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
> Sorry, was commenting to the most recent post in the thread. I don't have a
> problem with it either, just wondered why anyone was questioning Fear/Chains
> valididty or calling it cheesy when its no different from Fear/Root which
> Enchanters can do at much lower level. I agree with you it seems perfectly
> valid to me.

Speaking as someone who uses the fear song a lot, fear/chaining certainly
shouldn't count as cheesy unless things like kiting are REALLY cheesy. Fear
chaining isn't exactly easy. Get a few missed notes and a resist or two and
that thing is turning around and beating on you, unlike kiting, where there is
basically no risk to yourself. I've died plenty of times while fear/chaining or
