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Message ID: 6432
Date: Mon Sep 13 21:23:25 BST 1999
Author: Ronnie Roads
Subject: Re: Disenchanting

I used the disenchant song last night to remove the
resurrect effect from a party member. He said it
worked great. Going to try it on myself next time
(which I hope is a long way away).

==Maravana Vireo of the Jus Divinum
==Mithaniel Marr

--- JasonF <JasonF@...> wrote:
> From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> My thought was that ADM would prevent weapons from
> proc'ing on your group
> members when sung. The song references that I've
> found on the 'net say that
> ADM "cancels magic", etc., but no one has been able
> to prove that it actually
> does such. Since GZ has said that very few of our
> songs are left unfinished
> (and I would expect those to be higher level ones),
> I was trying to come up
> with a reasonable untested use for a song with the
> title "Disenchanting".
> Maybe it un-Charms other group members?
> Crier Sharpsong - 21st song bard on Fennin Ro
> Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
> CDI at http://www.pigging.com/

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