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Message ID: 6433
Date: Mon Sep 13 21:20:09 BST 1999
Author: CMai
Subject: RE: From the patch message

The bard part about chaining, is that only PVP or for non-PVP too?
Also what do u mean "Annnd, Bard Nuking looks like it juuuust got an
upgrade?" What bard nuking? U mean our DoT?

Your Friendly Rogue and Bard
Hammerpaw and Syren Wind
Champions of Norrath, The Rathe

-----Original Message-----
From: Elijah Meeker [mailto:elijah@...]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 4:07 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] From the patch message

From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>

From the latest patch message...all I can say is WOOOOOO! No more chasing
SoW'd goblins though SolA like some Keystone Cops movie!! Annnd, Bard Nuking
looks like it juuuust got an upgrade, as well, Fear/chains is untouched! I
have edited out all parts unrelated to Bards.

Tszaaz E'Taurguin

PVP Changes:
- In order to make PVP combat between spellcasters and melee types more
viable some changes to PVP spell effects have been made. All damage spells
cast in PVP combat will do less damage to the PC than the same spell would
do to an NPC. When a PC is under the effect of a root-type spell there is a
20% chance that they will break free when a direct damage spell is cast upon

- Selo`s Consonant Chain (Bard) should now work better.
- Syvelian`s Anti-Magic Aria (Bard) has been fixed.
- A bug in some of the AoE code has been fixed - AoE spells will now effect
more monsters.

DoT Changes:
- If the monster is in melee with you, there is no change to how a DoT spell
- If the monster is running away from you (fear, wounded, etc.), there is no
change to how a DoT spell works.
- If the monster is moving when the damage from the DoT is applied (happens
every few seconds), it will take 66% of the damage that it would have taken.
- DoT spells have all had their duration slightly increased. If the monster
moves for 18 seconds during a fight, it will take as much damage from the
DoT as it would before the patch. If the monster moves for less then 18
seconds during a fight, your DoT will do more damage then it would have done
before the patch. If the monster moves more then 18 seconds during the
fight, it will take less damage then it would have before the patch.